I wrote this one when I was really sad, its kind of creepy, so forgive me Haha. =]
They'll Never Get It
Can you feel it..The temptation reaping over your
shoulder, breathing down your back.
Its threatening your every move, and you
cant do a thing.
The voices, in your head,
saying "Its ok, it was an accident.." and your heart
wanting to believe it because it cant handle the truth..
Your dieing on the inside, faking it on the out.
Day by day you pretend, pretend to be something
your not.
You'll force a little smile and walk on out the door.
You'll think of ways to get yourself out of it before you
reach your destination..
When the days over, you go home an sit in your
bathroom, staring at the blade by the sink..Hopeing
the next cut will be deeper and closer to death..
And No one can stop you..
Because you know its something you Have
to do..And they just dont get it.
They'll never get it..