
Another Question.. Little Girl help Please My daughter?

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My daughter Amberly.....Is scared of the t.v at first we thought well thats strange but now she walks feet away from it wont come into the livingroom when its on. Our t.v hasn't been on for a week now she crys and screams when it turns on. I don't get it Maybe she saw a scary movie on ... She gets up in the middle of the night and turns on the t.v to watch cartoons usually we leave it on cartoons maybe we forgot and she saw something scary....Btw my daughter is 5 her twin is not scared of the t.v and i have to more children but there still young but Launa her twin is not afraid of the t.v...I know this seems like a stupid question but its very weird behavior.




  1. Did you ever ask her why she is scared of it? She probably did see something that scared her. Just explain to her that the stuff on tv isnt real. I had to have that conversation with my 3 year old just last week.

  2. lol i swear when i read this i thought about poltergeist. But if shes afraid of the tv.. why is she getting up in the middle of the night to watch it? maybe im not understanding you. anyway im pretty sure she saw something scary because at night time nothing good is on except adult cartoons and scary shows.

  3. poltergeists? call T.A.P.S seriously. maybe it's not so much that she's scared of the picture on the televison but maybe the sound of the static or electricity? children can hear high pitched screetches better that adults cant hear, try putting ear plugs in her ears and turning on the tv..just a suggestion i'm no proffessional.

  4. That is very strange. Try having your entire family sit with her and talk her through preparing to watch tv. Get together and watch one of her favorite movies. Don't leave her alone so that she can feel safe.

  5. your right that is weird! but im guessing that she saw a scary movie like u said. but if u havent yet u should try asking her why shes scared of the tv, thats what i would do.  hope u solve this problem!!

  6. Somebody's been watching Poltergeist.....

    Best way to handle any fear is to confront it.

    Being afraid of the TV, could be a good thing however..... A kid that grows up never watching TV might be just what the world needs now.... the next Einstein.

    But if your expectations of your child are a bit lower and you just have to get her addicted to your auto-baby-sitter again.....

    Sit with her and watch the TV, hold her in your arms and comfort her the entire time. If you watch a familiar Dora or Arthur that she has seen 100 times, she'll forget her fears in short order.

  7. No need to worry, at this age she is learning to develop in the environment any changes can be disturbing to her. It just take time for her to get used to it. My little girl was scared of the telephone every time it rings, but after a few time she got used to it and wasn't scared. Good Luck x

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