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1. Animals are:A.)autotrophs B.) heterotrophs C.) producers

2.) The general name foe an organsim that can produce both sperm and egg is:A.) hermaphrodite B.) mesoderm C.) spogen

3.) Tapeworms attached to a host's intestine by means of a:A.) proglottid B.)scolex C.) gastrula

4.) Which of the following is not a body part of a mollusk:A.) foot B.) pharynx C.) visceral mass

5.) Annelids are:A.) radially symmetrical B.) asymmetrical C.) bilaterally symmetrical

6.) In segmented worms, nerve cords connect the brain to the: A.) gizzard B.) setae C.) ganglia

7.) Leeches are examples of:A.) roundworms B.) flatworms C.) chelicerae

8.) All anthropods have an exsoskeleton composed of:A.)chintin B.)spiracles C.)chericerae




  1. 3 is scolex

    #7 is roundworms

    davybrr has the rest of them right

    edit: yeah, 7 is annelids, not roundworms, flatworms or chelicerae.  chelicerae= mouthparts of arachnids

  2. 1 - heterotrophes

    2 - hermaphrodite

    3 - don't know

    4 - pharynx

    5 - bilaterally symmetrical

    6 - ganglia

    7 - don't konow

    8 - chitin

  3. 1.B


    3. A

    4. A

    5. A

    6. ?



  4. You don't have a good answer for 7.  Leeches are segmented worms.

  5. 1. Animals are B) heterotrophs, (because they are consumers)

    2. The general name for an organsim that can produce both sperm and egg is A) hermaphrodite (it possesses both male and female s*x organs during its life)

    3. Tapeworms attached to a host's intestine by means of a B)scolex (The Scolex or "head" of the worm attaches to the intestine of the definitive host)

    4.) Which of the following is not a body part of a mollusk: B) pharynx (the visceral mass and foot are main organs of a mollusk)

    5. Annelids are C) bilaterally symmetrical (All annelids are bilaterally symmetrical)

    6. In segmented worms, nerve cords connect the brain to the C) ganglia (Earthworms cerebral ganglion, or brain, is connected to the ventral nerve cord)

    7. Leeches are examples of C) chelicerae (they are annelids, therefore def not roundworms or flatworms)

    8. All anthropods have an exsoskeleton composed of A) chitin (Chitin is a polymer that can be found in anything from the shells of beetles to webs of spiders)

    All of these answers are correct, because I checked them either with my AP Bio text, or through websites. : )

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