
Another Serial Killer question.?

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ok so i had asked previously why are there more white male serial killers that black male serial killers...some thought i was passing a racist judgement on white males...i'm not trying to spark an argument i was just stating a statistical "fact" (statistics have their flaws yes i know) According to u.s. demographics there are more whites in america than blacks, i understand that because of this there would be more white serial killers than black, this is the obvious answer what i wanted to know was is there any other factor such as psychological predisposition for such a huge comparison to black vs. white serial killers

also i included the definition of a serial killer because idon't think that everyone really understood what i meant exactly by serial killer




  1. Well for one your using wikipedia so that dosn't prove anything. It has nothing to do about the population of both ethnicities it generally has to do with the killers mind. Don't play the race card on a serious topic. The DC snipper was black and he calculated his killings like a serial killer would. I first made a theory that Black Americans that kill , kill in petty crimes and weren't calculated such as burglary and gang related crimes. But time has changed, I focus on why killers kill rather than why more Caucasians kill then Black Americans. Maybe these questions should be pondered on

    why Males kill more then Women do? and Why women use poisining rather then getting there hands dirty and why few women do so ?.

    Hope this helps!

  2. racial judgment

  3. Traditional, non-serial killing usually occurs in the process of committing ANOTHER crime -- dealing drugs, robbing a store, etc.  In this case, killing is merely a means to an end, not the end itself.  Such killing is actually more defensive than offensive; i.e. to avoid getting caught, to avoid giving up territory to another gang, and so on.  You'll probably find this type of killing in low socioeconomic areas in which drugs and gang warfare are part of the culture.

    However, in the case of the serial killer, the killing is the end itself.  Serial killing is deliberate, planned, and on the offensive.  Serial killing is usually not performed in connection with another crime.    I'm not giving praise to this person for being "a criminal mastermind," but serial killing is a more cerebral, patient type of killing.

    That being said, I would think that a one-shot murder of passion (e.g., killing your girlfriend for sleeping your best friend) is probably equally prevalent among all races.

  4. psychological predisposition as you call it is build by society. there is genetic factor but for it to manifest you need 'right' chain of events that will trigger killings.

    interesting is on topic of serial killers statistics, and same goes for mass murder. that communist countries had lowest rates (that s history now) with shift to capitalism they moved closer to 'western world' in statistics.  so i think its social factor. pressure and frustration of everyday life.

  5. racist!

  6. Since my boyfriend and I both have read 100's of books on serial killers and rapist I understand you are not trying to be racist. It is a fact that usually serial killers are white men. They have not figured this one out yet. I would advise you read The encyclopedia of serial killers by Michael Newton 2nd edition. It has just about all famous serial killers in it of all races. By what I have read the white men were typically abused at some point in time. This usually was either proven or suggested by the killer. As for the African-American serial killers they dont typically claim any abuse as a children. Examples: Carlton Gary an African American killed mostly older white women when the police did not catch him quick enough another African American man by the name of William Hance came forward pretending to be the KKK and said if they didn't catch the Stocking Killer (Gary) he would start killing black women. He killed 3-4 black women before being caught. Was only found guilty on 1 of the murders. Neither of these claimed abuse as children. There are plenty of examples for white serial killers because of the numbers I'm sure you could find them quickly.  No one has ever been able to find the true reason behind this. But there has been more abuse in the history of white serial killers vs. African American or any other race. There are plenty of informative books out there.

  7. :O you're trying to pass racial judgement!

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