
Another Social Studies Question?

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Please help me out!! If you are good at social studies help me please. What does wartime rationing mean???




  1. Wartime rationing is when people may only buy a set amount of a product during a war.  

    For example:  If beef were rationed, you would only be allowed to buy 2 pounds of beef per week.

  2. Wartime rationing is rationing during wartime.  Rationing is when you allot a certain amount of an item to a group or institution.  My grandma tells stories of only getting a pound of sugar for a family of 6 every few weeks.  It basically makes sure that there is excess food is able to be sent overseas.  

    During WW2, a lot of items were rationed-- milk, sugar, flour, etc.  Also, metals were rationed-- in 1943, pennies were made completely out of steel plated with zinc to conserve copper and tin.

  3. WWll rationing was put into place to avoid public anger and to not allow the wealthy to over purchase commodoties.

    Things that were rationed were, food, gasoline, & clothing.

  4. The above answers are good so I'll expand slightly.  The government totally controlled rationing.  People were given stamps or ration books (depending on the country - US. Britain, Canada, Australia, etc.) to control the consumption of certain products.  The main reason was to support the war effort. Remember, the whole world was involved - this was a BIG war.

    In Canada, meat, milk, butter, gasoline products, (that's all I can remember) was rationed.

    Good question.

  5. A lot of things were rationed during the war.  I know sugar and meat were.  The idea behind rationing is that people were limited to how much of a certain item they were allowed to purchase.  I think the idea behind it was to make sure they had enough supplies to feed the troops.

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