
Another Strange Dream?

by  |  earlier

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I was sitting in my room and my friend was messing around with my hair, then my brother came in and told me that there was a problem with his computer. So my friend and I went down stairs to my bros PC and the words 'Here and There and Everywhere' were writen on the screen. So I pressed a few keys and the writing diappeared. So My friend and I walked outside and I saw another friend of mine in her car talking to her boyfriend, so my friend and I went over there. suddenly my friend and I were back in my room and the dream started over. This happened about three times and each time the words on the computer screen changed. I only remember the first one and second, not the third. The second one said 'Passion Plays a Particular Part in Life'. Anyone have any ideas, or can I confirm the fact that I'm crazy?




  1. it means that you have a problem and your friends are gonna stick by yourside,but somehow or the other, you'll keep making the same mistake over and over again until you decide to change and make the decision yourself, the same thing will keep happening.

  2. Those words could have been subliminally flashed into your subconscious mind at any point during the day or could be part of a song, and for whatever reason you remembered them in your dream. The part of your dream where you are with your brother, friends, talking to your friends in the car, that is what is called manifest content- things that relate to your everyday life. You try to put all the random scenes into a sort of story that makes some sort of sense as you are dreaming. The sentences may have stuck out in your mind for a reason- you thought about them, processed them, and dreamed about them because they had some kind of meaning, which is up to you to figure out. Do you believe you are a passionate person? here and there and everywhere sounds like song lyrics to me. You're not crazy- most people's dreams don't make sense.

  3. I am assuming that your friend was male, so to dream that he was stroking or playing with your hair means that your are having a lot of sexual thoughts lately. The words written on the screen, " Here and There and Everywhere" and the "Passion Plays a Particular Part in Life", along with being around several other "couples" are also indicating the same message.

    Although seeing computers in your dreams means that new areas of opportunities are being opened to you it, also could mean that you are just going along with the flow, without voicing your own opinions and views.

    With the sexual references and  the computer interpretation, it would appear that you either want a sexual relationship with someone but are afraid to voice your desires or that someone may be putting pressure on you to be in a sexual relationship. Your the only one who knows the answer to that one.

  4. u don't just care bout them.

    there is nothing like that.

    before going to sleep see a comedy movie or listen to ur fav songs/dance to a rocking song

    gradually u feel sleepy and u don't have any dreams
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