
Another VA disability Question.

by  |  earlier

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thank you to all who have answered my questions so far. Ok so my husband called the VA this morning, and was told to call back in 10 days to see how far they could go back with his payments.

In my other post I told about how his claim was approved, and active in Jan 2003 but has not been able to collect because he owed a government debt. The debt is now paid off.

Here is my new question, why would they not be able to go all the way back to 2003? or why would that need to be looked into. He was told the money was his but being withheld until his debt was paid. They should give it all to him now right??? So what would the hold up be??

Thanks again all. It has been a tough few years getting that debt paid off. we could really really used this back pay...

FYI ifyou have not read my other posts the va benefits did not go to this debt. NONE of his benefits paid on this debt..




  1. I agree with the other respondent.  Contact your local VA counselor or a VFW or American Legion or other Veterans group if you are a member.  They might assist even if you aren't a member.  When you call, ensure you have the date and time you called and the name of the individual you spoke with.  

    If they fail to give you the information you need or are putting you off or failing to assist you, write or call your U.S. Senator or Representative and ask them for assistance.  Provide them the dates, times and name of the individual and what they told you.  Many times these individuals can pull through the red tape and get your questions answered.

    I had to resort to writing my Senator to get my medical records after I retiered after I kept hearing there was a delay in processing and shipping records.  After a year I had enough and wrote to Senator Tom Daschle.  Actually I never even had to mail it, as I informed the Records Center of what I intended to do and within two weeks I had my records.

    You might try writing to the VA office and file a complaint with them and advise them that if you continue to receive no or little assistance you will have no alternative but to contact your U.S. Senator.

    That may or may not light a fire under someone.  They usually don't like the Senators getting involved.  

    Another method I prefer not to use is the local news media.  They do help, but it can be a harder approach and cause more problems.

    Try the Senator and Representative approach, it usually works.

    Good Luck

  2. They've got it covered - the VA played with me for about 14 months, claimed to have lost my paperwork after 13 months. Then I filled out the paperwork online - printed the confirmation page and got my VFW rep involved.

  3. With any government bueracracy there is always a hold up and the VA is great at losing paperwork or forgeting to tell you all of the forms that need to be filled out.  My advice is to get a hold of one of the veterans service officers from the DAV or VFW (only if you're a member of the VFW or qualify for it),  They know all the traps the VA sets for us and will take care of it in a timely manner.  

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