
Another ? about clonzepam

by  |  earlier

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I'm back with another question.

This medicine really freaks me out.

My Dr. is on vacation and I don't know if this is really huge or I'm just paranoid. I've been taking 1/2 of a .25mg pill twice a day. I was originally prescribed .50 twice a day but it made me soooo sedated so I went down to .25mg and it was sedating as well, not too bad and sometimes it made me more awake ... when I'm doing OK I take the 1/2 of the .25mg pill. But recently I'm having some issues that are causing me to have anxiety so if I increase to .25mg from 1/2 that, will it harm me?




  1. No, it will not harm you.  You were started at .5mg, so it will not hurt you to take .25mg.

  2. Nope, you'll just be a bit sleepy.  Over time, you will eventually build up a tolerance to benzodiazepines, so be careful not to take more than you need to relieve your symptoms, and take it only when you need it.  For example, if you are not anxious in the morning when you first wake up, you might be able to take half a pill or none at all, and only take it when you are having symptoms.

  3. Try to stick to your prescribed dosage so your body can acclimate to it. Once you've been taking it at the same level for a week or 2 it shouldn't have that effect any more. Don't be messing with the dosage if you can help it. If it's really a problem talk to the doctor about it.

  4. ASK your Dr. !  anti anxiety meds are not to be self administered at least not safely.  

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