
Another bicep question!?

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Okay I worked on my biceps for 3weeks. Then I stopped and it's been 3 weeks already. So my muscles got weaker and smaller. Does it take all that 3 weeks of hard work to change it back. Or will it go back to its former shape and size faster.




  1. You're talking about 'muscle memory'.

    IF you train in the right way, with correct nutritional support, then your biceps can return to their previous size and ability more quickly than they grew & strengthened in the first place.

    BUT if your gain was 'maximal' (very quick), the quality of muscle you have been producing will be low. Low-quality muscle cannot 'restart' its growth quickly.

    Steady, long-term training produces 'high-quality' muscle. This kind of muscle can restart its growth and power astonishingly fast, after any kind of layoff has caused the muscles to wither.

    You should restart ANY muscle-mass training or bulk training VERY gently and slowly, and increase the training load carefully. If you try to 'train back' to your previous standard too quickly for the muscles to cope with, you are likely to get injured without any warning.

    By using long warmup sets, and 'small-stepping' your pyramid sets, you can get a better 'feel' for the amount of progress you can safely make, than you will by hitting the weights hard and trying to 'shock' your muscles into growth.

  2. 3 weeks is nothing, dunno wut u talking about. There is no way ur biceps could grow that much in 3 weeks

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