
Another birth control question,?

by  |  earlier

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This is my second month of using tri cylcen lo, and i just started my sugar pills yesterday and havent gotten my period yet.

Am i supposed to get it while im taking the sugar pills?




  1. Yes, but it doesn`t mean you`ll get your period the day you start the sugar pills. You should however get it within a few days of taking them though. If not consult your doctor.

  2. You will get it within the week that you're using the placebos.  It will probably start today or tomorrow.  It will last anywhere from a day or two to until you take your second day of the next month.  Remember also that it may be super light, so you may not see much blood at all.  You may just spot for a day.  Or you may have a normal flow.

    Good luck!

  3. yes you should get your period while you are on the sugar pills, but for the first three months of starting the pill your cycle will be abnormal.  your lucky, for me i was on my period for two weeks almost every month for the first three months, but since then i have 3 day long periods every month

  4. the week that you take the sugar pills is the week you're supposed to get your period. when i start my sugar pills it's on a sunday. usually i don't get my period until monday, sometimes not until wednesday. as long as it comes sometime this week don't be concerned.

  5. I am using tri-cyclen lo as well. I've been taking it for over two years now. I still don't start my period as soon as I start taking the placebos (the green sugar pills). My new week starts on Sundays and I usually only start my period on Tuesday. Sometimes it's as late as Thursday. Don't worry if you're a few days late. You basically just have to figure out HOW it will regulate your period. For me, I know never to expect starting on the Sunday; I expect to start on the Tuesday. Once you've been taking it a few months you'll understand how it regulates for you. Everyone is different.

    Don't worry. You should get your period within the next couple days. Try to keep track of when you start so you can understand the cycle better.

    Also, being on the pill will sometimes make you miss your period entirely. That's normal. It hasn't happened to me yet but it has happened to a close friend and she took a pregnancy test just to be sure. Everything was fine. A little research told us that missing your period as a whole for one month is absolutely normal when you're on birth control. So, again, no worries.

  6. I too just started using ortho tri cyclen lo, and I am in my second month as well.  The first month I took it i got all the side effects.  I was kind of miserable. But i was told to wait it out for the three month trial period, and this month I am having none.  But i know my period didn't come until the third day of the sugar pills.  Your body could still be getting used to the pills, and may need a day or two to adjust.  But yes, you are typically supposed to get your period while on the sugar pills, but it may not necessarily come within the first day or two of the sugar pills.  Don't worry just yet, give it a couple days.

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