
Another boxing question- Concerning two combinations?

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I usually use very simple combinations when I box, like 1-2 (Jab, Cross), 1-1-2 (Jab, Jab, Cross), 1-2-3-2 (Jab, Cross, Left Head Hook, Cross), and in the case I have an opponent who is constantly moving in foward 4-3-2 (Right Uppercut, Left Hook, Cross).

However there are two combinations I have been experimenting with- the Jab, body Jab, Cross (1-1 B-2) and the Jab, Left Head Hook (1-3). I'm trying to figure out which one will work best with my style, which is Outside fighting. I am a taller guy than most of my opponents, so doing the Jab, Body Jab, Cross might leave me open for a counter when I sink down for the body shot. But it would blend in well with my Jab, Cross style of punching to throw an opponent off. The 1-3 is good because no one expects it and you can work off it with a Right Uppercut. I don't know, what do you guys think?




  1. ur combinations r good. it all depends who ur fightin. any combination can be countered. it depends on ur judgement and skills. its all instinct. fight smart but dont think too much. good luck

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