
Another breed question?

by Guest58161  |  earlier

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Ok another question about a breed for me. I know you guys must get tired of answering these so thanks for taking the time to read mine (and if you don't, I understand :) )

I'm trying to study some breeds that might be good for me, but (and im not ashamed to admit it) I live in an apartment. Now before y'all start writing "Chihuahua, Bichon, Dachsund." I don't care too much for really little dogs (and mom HATES them) I'm also not one of those ppl that doesn't want to exercise the dog. On the contrary, there are jogging tracks all around my neighborhood that I want to take my dog on some long walks with. And there is about a 3 acre yard behind my complex. Now here's where it gets complicated: the yard is not fenced so I need a dog that can be reliable on "come" (so probably not a hound). I'd really (really) love to have a dog I can play frisbee with too, but most of those kinds of dogs: retrievers BCs tend to be very yappy and in an apt that is a find-a-new-home-quick card.

And just to make life more difficult, I'd prefer a dog that can look (or actually be) a little formidable for when I'm walking it alone at night and stuff. But that's no biggie. I do have confess something else though: I know that really cant cotrol an superhuge dog like a Mastiff or St. Bernard.

Thanks to everyone who actually makes it to the end of this list. :D

Man I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever find the right breed.




  1. You need to make your decription shorter. Peopole don't want to sit there and read that whole thing.

  2. Here's what I got so far for ya...

    I got the breeds from dog breed info.

    Beagle Harrier


    Belgian Mastiff

    Berger des Picard



    Clumber Spaniel







    Portuguese Water Dog

    Rampur Greyhound

    Saint Berdoodle



    Silken Windhound

    Standard Poodle


    Here's the link to look at the breeds' info

    here's another link to retake the quiz to get the dog you REALLY could have or to get new results...

    Hope I helped!

  3. well i live in an apartment and i have an akita shes a wonderful apartment dog of course she gets lots of walks and play time and she also makes ppl think twice before messing with me. akitas dont bark unless they have something to bark about so no yapping with an akita if she barks listen. chows are also wonderful dogs that arent yappy and quite intimidating when the occasion calls for it. female akitas are usually between 60 and 100 lbs so not a superhuge dog but good sized males of course are bigger.

  4. Basenji!! They dont bark but the noise they make is way cute. they have short hair so it's easier to maintain. they get to be about knee high and have very good muscle structure. You should defiantly google the breed. I drove 8 hrs one way to get mine. they are pretty rare. I paid about 300 bucks people ask me why i didnt get one from the pound and as much as i would love to take them all home with me i dated a dog groomer for years and did a lot of research on dogs. I also am not (errr was not) a dog person. Always sticking to cats but my little basenji is 7 months and is very well trained. They are one owner dogs so dont rescue one unless you want to take A LOT OF TIME to get them to accept you and curb all past behaviors.

    they have a cute little curly tail (which i call an asshat) and they come in black and white red and white and brindle and white

    mines brindle and has a cute white blaze up her nose. Depending on your location you may find a breeder closer to you than i did and i live in austin texas and still had to drive to el paso.

    it is not necessary to get papers although they might help but you dont want to breed them just make sure they are all basenji or at least mostly so it stays apartment size and a non barker. . .hope this helps

  5. you might want to look into the Brittany. it is a medium size dog that would love all those jogging tracks and long walks. they are definitely not yappy. beautiful dogs too. go the AKC website and check them out. hope that helped.

  6. I suggest you find an active forum for the breeds you are most interested in and people who have extensive experiance and own those dogs can give you insight if they will be right for you or not. There is so much more to consider then just size, apartment life and off leash walks. Temperament, energy levels, time needed, training, etc. And for the record a dog of 80lbs may be too strong for you. A lot of times a mastiff breed is just a big dog but the medium-large ones are the ones who are active, strong and will be eager to pull you around on lead if you arn't prepared and capable to control and train them.

    ETA: I have an akita mix and I would NOT reccomend them for an inexperianced owner. This is not a dog you want if your worried about pulling you around; that can cause big trouble.

  7. Save a life!!! Get a dog from the shelter. Getting a dog from a breeder promotes overpopulation. About 6000000 dogs are killed every year in animal shelters because they don't have homes. If you go to a shelter of Humane Society you can pick a dog based on personality not breed. All dogs are different. I have the most fearful, sweetest german shepard mix. And a crazy lab mix. And the sweetest chow mix. All my dogs I got from shelters or the humane society. I wish I could have more theres so many that need homes. No dog is automatically going to come when called. Most dogs at shelters have gone through basic training. My lab came already basically trained. They will always need work. But you can save a life so please do.

  8. You should get a boston terrier.They are great and they are right in the middle (not to big and not to small). They enjoy daily walks and don't need that much exercise. And we just got are new boston terrier puppy and he already comes when he calls him! Hope you find the breed that is right for you! :)

  9. I have a Cairn Terrier, and he is great! He does not yap and he loves to play and go on walks. However, if you prefer a bigger dog, goldendoodles are a mix between a golden retriever and a poodle, and they are excellent dogs to have around families.

  10. Get a lab.  If you get a female they will be somewhat smaller then the male; about 60 pounds.  If you get one from a good breeder you can see the parents or at least one of them and if they were bread right labs are calm and very smart dogs.  I have a lab and I trained her in a couple of day and she listens very well, I even take her to work and she gets along with everyone.  If you do get a lab you will have to exercise them and you should get them fixed a.s.a.p. if you do not want to bread it.  Since you said you do not have a fenced in back yard and if you get any female and not get her fixed you may attract other males dogs when she is in heat and you will have to watch her like a hark so she does not get pregnant.  Also if you get a puppy be prepared for the dog to run away and not listen until you have spent sometime to train it.  GOOD LUCK!

  11. a collie there loyle friendly and very smart there not small or large or maybe get a cross breed not many people wwant one of them and a good dog desreves a home

    i have a georgeus collie and a and a cross between a basenji and collie also whith a bit of alsation

  12. too bad you can have a St bernard...I'm sure you will find a dog. There a dog for everyone!!

  13. yea

  14. If you've got your heart set on a bigger dog, I would suggest going with something like a Golden Retriever or a Boxer. Where you may be walking the dog alone at night, Boxers are excellent protectors. Not only that, but they aren't yappy and tend to be extremely loyal. I suggest looking into one!

    Good luck!

  15. I would go for a chesapeake bay retriever. They can be very good guard dogs (perfect if you need protection) and with training, you can train them not to bark.

    These dogs are very stubborn and can be difficult to train, but if you work with them persistently, you can mold them into a very obedient dog.

    Good luck!

  16. Maybe

  17. The person who mentioned an Akita had the right idea for you, assuming you are willing to commit to serious obedience training for the dog.  Akitas are very quiet, very protective, and just the look of one will keep most trouble away.  They enjoy daily walks, but won't drive you crazy begging you to play fetch all the time.  They prefer to stick close by and keep an eye on you silently.  They do best as the only dog, so if you only want one, they can be a good choice.  Females are generally 70-85 lbs. and males are 90-110 lbs.  

    A survey of convicted robbers found that any large, black dog will deter most criminals.  So that leaves many options to you if you just want an intimidating look!

  18. no

  19. I think either a Boston Terrier, or a boxer would fit great. The boxer will give you the look when walking alone, and the are both energetic and lovable. They can both be just as relaxed as you can when its that time. I have had many different breeds, and these are the ones that I think would fit with your lifestyle. Plus side is the are both short hair dogs. Not much shedding, and they dont stink!

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