
Another case of mistaken identity?

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This was in the new today, no wonder the Yanks and their armed forces are not wanted anywhere in the world.

Give the yankee military another year and they will be asked to leave all their occupied countries, so much for bringing democracy to Afghanistan, Eh?




  1. FIRST .....Your source is notoriously bias.....anti-US and can hardly expect them to give a good balanced report

    SECOND.... Alestair Liethead is a vicious anti-war reporter. If you check his blog you will find he has even more bad things to say about British troops

    THIRD..... You make a HUGE assumption..... you claim American "armed forces are not wanted anywhere in the world".... Please list a few of those places where our Armed Forces are not wanted........ After 30 years serving my country and traveling to many countries.....I know of no countries where we are not welcome..... enlighten me

    FINALLY..... Even if the facts in this article are true..... which I doubt and even Alistair admits there is no proof.....$hit happens in war....

    America spends billions perfecting high tech weapons to limit collateral damage..... we have "Rules of Engagement" (ROE) that literally put our troops in lethal danger rather than kill an innocent person.....we have entire units and staff officers who's sole mission is to prevent such tragedies as this

    Another assumption that betrays YOUR bias......we occupy no countries.....we are in Iraq and Afghanistan with the permission of the democratically elected government.... they have only to ask us to leave and we will definition that is NOT occupying

    BTW Did you miss the video of British troops hauling unarmed teenage Iraqi protesters behind a wall and beating the c**p out of them  ..... ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FOLLOW YOUR EXAMPLE ????  

  2. Oh really? What about the British occupation of India, Hong Kong, Myanmar, CAnada, New Zealand, Australia Egypt and other African nations, Northern Ireland, and so many more. What's the saying? People who live in glass houses...

  3. I second that!!

  4. I don't understand why are you so joyful when you think you think you see USA humbled over major issues. Whilst I am not always in agreement with their actions we must remember that the fortunes of the west are very much tied up with the USA. love them or hate them.  Their general isolation and inward looking views even when abroad does cause some concern and weakens their world outlook. They have to realise that not everyone thinks that a 100% American democracy is for them and US must learn to respect that  

  5. The US can't even bring democracy to their country look at the 2000/04 elections

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