
Another cichlid question/?????

by  |  earlier

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one of myn fish is not eating and hes getting atck by one other.. wat should i do to make it start eating




  1. If You can Separate them right away! They will fight to the death.. if you cant get another tank then either return one or give one to a friend..

    Best of luck!

    <3 K

  2. You continue to ask and ask but noone is going to really be able to help you until you find out what fish you have.  Don't say African cichilds please.  That doesn't mean anything.  There's 1000's of African species.  There's some general logic you can follow, but you may not be addressing the real issue.  Find out what you have.  I'm still waiting for you to address this issue in your previous question.  Get some pics.

  3. cichlid are very aggressive fish the one might not be eating due to stress. and allot of times they will fight till the death. i would separate them.

  4. alot of cichlids will stress others out to the point they die. i would seperate the sickly one, and put aquarium salt in his new tank, and try to feed him after a few hours there. something to think about though...are your fish doing this because there is not enough room in the tank?

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