
Another cloudy tank question..

by  |  earlier

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OK 20 Gallon Long tank, 2 pacostamus, big whisper 40 filter, and bubble strip. My tank keeps getting cloudy after a few days every time I change water. I have tried several tank filter set-ups. Temperature set-ups. Nothing seems to keep it from getting cloudy. I do regular water changes, keep all levels rocking. Still nothing HELP! I had a 10 gallon that never got cloudy upgraded to this 20L bout 6 months ago.




  1. What are your water tests showing?  Cloudy water is usually either bacteria growth or algae.  With 2 plecostamus in the tank algae shouldn't be the problem so it must be bacterial.  You usually only get bloom if the bacteria is being killed off somehow.  

    I'd stop doing water changes and test for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates to see where the levels are.  If you are getting high readings on any of them then your tank is still trying to cycle.


  2. I have a 30gallon aquarium, I have a filter in it and a bubble wand. I keep a algae eater in it to help keep it clean also. It helps out a lot. Just try not to over feed your fish or anything that may be why it's getting cloudy so fast. Maybe try calling a pet shop and asking about it. They may know why.  

  3. everytime u are changing the water u are adding more chlorine into it which will make it go cloudy no matter what u could use a filter aid no3 made by interpet(brought from most pet stores) it works quickly,it clumps up the suspended fine particles together so yr filter can remove them basically yr water will go crystal clear use this everytime u make a water change hope this helps u out and good luck  

  4. your tank could be suffering from a new tank syndrome when doing set up like this you can use 50 of old water in the old tank then add 50 freshwater so it will be faster to mature.  you will need more days to let it settle.

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper

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