
Another coach gooone!! its time to go SHEEDY,what are thoughts on his sacking today good/bad/other?

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Another coach gooone!! its time to go SHEEDY,what are thoughts on his sacking today good/bad/other?




  1. Think they're doing it for changes sake. Don't reckon that there is anyone else out there that will be better than him or equal him, also no one else can match his marketing abilities. Very sad to see Sheeds go, think Harvey or O'Donnell will take over. Definitely hope its not one of the other sacked coaches

  2. we all could tell including sheedy that it was going to happen one day & the change could do some good for essendon but now that sheedy and daniher have both left in the same year then there will be less laughter at club & media confrensess, no wierd phrases that don't make any sense even for them & before the game has to think of new sketches now that they are gone. we will miss you sheedy

  3. Hasn't he been coach since 1932?

    Australia's longest serving coach in any professional sport. He also did bow out with dignity in his interview - and at least they didn't appoint a care-taker coach.

    He can enjoy life and reap the rewards of 27 years at the top

  4. It's great .. this way Sheeds can be full time coach of the International rules side when the Irish get the balls to play us again (if ever).

    Seriously Sheeds is an all time legend and will always be around one way or another... Maybe Brissy could get rid of Lethal and hire Sheeds instead .. sounds good to me

  5. nooo.....i love sheedz...i was like crying when i heard he was gone..i think itz a horrible choice. He is a coach that has been able to adapt  to the game for many years now. Us bombers have a couple of losses straight and he is gone? I think that is pathetic and i think the club will soon see what a valuable asset he is.

  6. The sackng of Sheedy is a sad end to an era....

    It would have been better to have reached an agreement where Sheedy was able to walk of his own (with help) accord at the end of the season, but then again.... maybe he wouldn't have gone willingly at all??

    There is obviously much inthe game today that we owe to Sheedy... he was the first fulltime coach, the first to appoint a very very young captain (Simon Madden at 18).... and his styles of play that have kept the Bombers a force, and at times a dominant force, for the past 27 years.

    Realistic views though will tell us that the dominance during the home and away games has not related well to premierships, 4 in 27 years. It should have been more like 8 or 9 at least..... but... that's football. One of the poblems Sheedy has faced as coach is that teams tend to lift against Essendon because they have been one of the dominant teams for so long and many great rivalrys have formed... eg Weagles and the Jacket Waving, Collingwood and the Anzac Day Game, Cartlton..... who could forget 1999? Sydney and Brisbane, Western Bulldogs and Especially Hawthorne of the late 80's and early 90's.  The Bombers have always been an exciting team to watch and as an ambassitor of the game Sheedy has done well. I think it is sad that such a great institution has come to an end, but I think Sheedy may have in the end coaced himself out of a job.

    The reason I say this is that Essendon today, seem to over use the ball, especially given the apparent lack of skill and accuracy in ball handling. They have forgotten the basics of footy in defernce, if in doubt give it a clout. That is, if your not absolutely sure that the disposal will be effective, get the ball as far away from the opposition goal as possible, mess up an hand ball and the ball is still in enemy territory, give it a 60m kick, and it takes two kicks to bring it back. Same goes for the forward line. Lucas and LLoyd are unstoppable when the ball is comming in long and accurate..... to much setting up for position, to much time for the opposing backline to swarm them.... when was the last time you saw LLayd be beaten in the air 1 on 1??? Better still, when was the last time you saw LLoyd ale to get 1 out without two or more others being there as spoilers??? Long and direct....... the best way forward fo Essendon for the rest of the season...... and for the new crop of players......

    I think given the imenent retirement of so many Essendon greats a change of coach is a good idea. But they need to be very very carefull of who they appoint...... *coughs Harvey*..... *Coughs Daniher*......  Just for gods sake don't give the job to Watson............ nice guy, great player, no guts as coach....... Someone in the mould of a Tommy Haffey would be good..... h**l why not bring back the great man himself??

    As for Sheedy............ I don't care how they do it........ Punt Rd....... Go home Sheedy........ They need you!!

  7. I never really liked the way the coaches are blamed with everything that has gone wrong with a club. Only one team can win the GF so why is it such a big deal if a team doesn't. There is like another 14 teams that didn't.

    The pressure on coaches recently has been really hard. So many have left. Wouldn't it be funny if the coaches all just switch around clubs like essedon get connoly, Carlton get sheedy, etc. The worst part is having the coaches sacked, or asked to resign during the season. They should wait until the end of te season or at th very least during the break half way through the season, to give the coach some credit and respect and to give the replacement a chance to assess his options.

  8. I cant imagine Essendon without Sheedy he was great character and was good for the game and if I didn't think Mark Harvey is the best man to coach the Dockers I would have hoped it would be him but I can see him coaching Melbourne.

    I wave my jacket to you Sheeds but I am sure we haven't seen the last of you.

  9. a change is as good as a holiday

  10. I was a little surprised, didn't expect to hear that until the end of the season. I think its good on the clubs part, gives them a chance to strat talking to people especialy with so many coaches getting the flick this season.

    No doubt Sheedy will coach again next season

  11. I'm with Lauren, I too love Sheeds ... he's probably the soul

    reason why the bombers are one of my favourite teams ( unless they're playing the Dees.

    he has a true passion for the game, and has been good for the game....

    I just hope he doesn't vanish from our football world...Athough as a person who ISN'T a coach or directly connected to any team .. He might be able to be less *SUBTLE* ( ie Martians) re the bloody white rabbits.....

    I wish him well and will miss his antics ( if he doesn't go somewhere where we can see them)

    However ... was it time to go ? well all things must come to an end and I guess it's better to go out while most think of you fondly.

    EDIT .. ok.. who are the grizzle guts' who have thumbed down all those who have praised Sheeds .. SOME disgruntled supporter of one of the teams he won the bombers 4 premierships against ?????

    no true sports fan can deny sheedy's brilliance ,, only some sore-losing wanker

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