
Another creation of the universe question

by Guest10947  |  earlier

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I was reading an article on the cern giant particle accelerator...the whole thing was built to smash subatomic particles together to recreate the effect of the heat and dust at the beginning of the universe.

However my question is not about the cern particle accelerator........where did this heat and dust come from during the creation of the can't have something from nothing..the universe started out approximately the size of a grain of sand, but I can't help but wonder what was outside that grain of sand...I know this question is asked alot but it's really something that I've been thinking about for a looooong time




  1. I thought the big bang theory was like a black hole that was too full and blew up like a popped zit on a mirror...

  2. What else could possibly make it happen if it weren't a Godly action. Not finding an explaination itself proves that God is the Creator of everthing.  

  3. Actually, it was vastly smaller than a grain of sand. It was less than a millionth of a billionth of the size of a grain of sand. It was, in fact, infinitely small and infinitely dense.

    And then, approximately 13.7 billion years ago, something caused this singularity to burst forth and time and space began to expand. Something that was separate from the singularity and outside of the of the time and space that began with the singularity.

    Did someone say, "Let there be light!"?

    Well, you can rule out a divine origin if you want, but then you're left defending what you've already argued against when you said ,"you can't have something from nothing".

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