
Another depression?

by  |  earlier

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u believe there is another depression that is going to hit? Also why do u believe so.


u can't say cuz Obama or Mccain will be President as a reason.




  1. Likely, because systems work in cycles generally over long periods.  If a 'perfect storm' of failure to pay debts from the busted credit mountain that many governments (especially the US & UK) encouraged to develop merges with complete loss of control of energy prices and inflation then stagflation could grow out of not being able to raise interest rates (currently at ludicrously low levels) giving no room to fight inflation w/out collapsing the Banking system.

    Obama or McCain simply get the poisioned chalice..

  2. i hope not

  3. only the people that are zombies , wouldn't see the next depression coming full force. Its not to blame on just one greedy branch of government but all of them, they have failed us while filling their pocket books. the blood will be on our hands when we have to resort back to animal instincts to survive. The governments will point their fingers at us talking about our faults and will offer more of their so called security and take away more rights until you are nothing more then a possession. When will people open their eyes and recall the founding fathers of the free country and take notice of the evils they spoke of happening all around them? Obviously not soon enough and we will all suffer greatly for it.  feel sorry for our children, they will never know what its like to be truly free and have the American dream. we are now sheeple, doomed by our surroundings to live as a third world country in the near future... don't believe it? the worst is yet to come.

  4. No.

    Not unless the Democrats keep banning Refineries, Nuclear Power, and Drilling.

    And Not unless the Democrats raise Taxes.
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