
Another ferret question?

by  |  earlier

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I just got a baby female ferret, my older male ferret loves her, and my older female hates her, and tries to kill her,(and i don't mean scruffing her to show dominance, i mean KILL her) anyway my question is if i take the baby ferret back and get a baby male, will my older female try to kill this one too?




  1. read up about introducing new ferrets too the family your ferret may not be trying too kill her, ferrets usually take very well too kits.

    i dont think you should get a new ferret, as the person before said seperate them they will learn too get along in a few weeks.

    here are a few introducing tips:

    -swap bedding, swap their bedding so they get used too eachothers scent.

    -short supervised playtimes, unless the young ferret is bleeding or screaming dont seperate them or you could just make the problems worse.

    -bathe them together so they all smell the same.

    -cover them in ferretone or olive so they are all too busy l*****g eachother, this speeds up the bonding process.

    good luck,

  2. it's possible that your older female is just jealous, because she use to be the only female and the male ferret was her best friend.

    But now there's another female, and the male is paying more attention too her and not to the older one, and your male loves her because it's another female around.

    Don't take the female back, just put her in a separate cage next to the one with the female and male, and just leave it like that for like 1-3 weeks. The older female will eventually get along with the other female, she's just upset and jealous like i said.

    But i don't think you should bring the baby female back, just try the 2 sseparate cages.

    Good luck!

  3. Don't take your ferret back!!  What is wrong with you?

    Is their blood, p**p, high pitched screaming?  If you answered 'no' then your older female is NOT trying to kill the baby female.

    How about trying to introduce your ferrets properly so ease the pressure on all of them?

  4. Please don't return the baby - the net ferret will likely be treated the same way. Ferret integration can take a LONG time sometimes. It took about 2 years to integrate my most recent ferret into the mix, and there are still occasional problems. Please read the Ferret FAQ: and be patient. Introduce the ferrets slowly and be prepared to use hot sauce or a bitter spray on the scruff of the neck to help discourage fighting.

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