
Another girl on his first day of collage???

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so my boyfriends first day of collage was today and a few of my friends go there and same with his friends and one of my friends texted me to say that he was walking to his car with a brunette girl, it could be one of his friends...but could he be cheating on me on his first day of collage or find another girl that quickly? please i am really upset...oh and we have been going out for over 6 months and have a good relationship




  1. if you consider cheating as meeting new people on the first day of college. then yes. he was cheating. however, there is no need to consider making new friends and being nice as cheating. If you have a good relationship why would you be on yahoo asking people you dont know rather than asking your boyfriend? relax!

  2. Calm down. Its probably just a friend.  

  3. I would just ask him about it. Your lucky some of your friends go their. My boyfriend of 2 1/2 years is going to college on the 30th about 1 1/2 hours away with his best friend, and I don't knwo a single person there. Plus the dorms are co ed. So your pretty lucky. I know the feeling though. I don't quite 100% trust Aaron because of some things in the past, but it's really important to have that. Since you two have a good relationship I wouldn'y worry too much about it. I feel your stress though! It really sucks.

  4. if you have a good relationship then dont worry about it. . . its all in your head.  Usually we tend to make ideas up when we start doubting them and sometimes other people play a big role in putting those ideas in your head. . . just trust your heart and talk to him. . . when you have a solid relationship its not good to start with doubts and distrust towards your boyfriends becasue thats where all the problems come in. . . just let him know that you have complete trust in him and hope he doesnt let you down. . .

  5. I don't think your relationship is that good, if you are doubting him and don't trust him.  xox

  6. Just give him the benifit of the doubt, you do trust him right?

  7. just ask him about her

  8. ok

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