
Another hebrew to run the World Bank?

by  |  earlier

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Apparently Bush has only semite friends and advisors, Perle, Wolfowitz, Libby, Krauthammer, Feith, Chertoff, Abramoff. Most of them are in jail or in disgrace.




  1. Your racism astounds me. You're not asking a question, you're searching for yes-men.

  2. You know the good part? All the people you mention will be remembered in history in some fashion or form. You, on the other hand won't even be a food stain in ANY American or any other history books.

  3. And if you vote for Clinton, you have another.

  4. Just a little jealous of the Jews, are we?

  5. I can't fault him on that one, They all elect Jews when it comes to the money. Bush's real good friends are mostly Arab anyway.

  6. I've no problem with their religion - whatever it is.  I have a problem with them being neoconservatives.  However, luckily it does seem this foolish political philosophy - cooked up by a bunch of academics with no experience of the real world - has run its course.  Unfortunately, it has caused quite a bit a damage all ready.

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