
Another juddy question, swap him for Pies Thomas???

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I Live in perth and was watching the news last night and heard that the Eagles said they would like to trade Judd to either Hawks or Pies for either Ben franklin or Dale Thomas..

Now this made me panic.. Yes Judd is a great player but I do not think he is worth Thomas.. surely the pies wouldn't dream of that trade, I'd rather keep Dale Thomas and even our unexperienced but shining young guys than trade for Judd...

What do you think, Eagles really don't have much of a say do they.. considering Judd is out of contract???

Please, I hope Dale stay a Pies boy for many years to come!!




  1. Chris Judd is worth about 5 Dale Thomas's just think how well he has polled in the Brownlow in the last few years and he is only 24.

    The Eagles have a lot of say because Judd has said they do.

    Hey Paris thats why Woosha doesn't want Franklin or Fevola.

  2. Collingwood would be silly to trade Thomas for Judd. Judd is a class player and would do great things at any club he goes to, but Dale Thomas is only 18 or 19 and he has already shown that he is a star in the making.

    As for Lance Franklin, Hawthorn should seriously consider the trade, with Crawford career almost over, Judd would be perfect replacement. The Hawks have enough good forwards to carry on Franklin's load

  3. Im a hawks supporter and there is no way they would swap Lance buddy franklin . They would probally swap Mark Williams but not Buddy !

  4. you know nothing about afl, seriously, that is a joke. and its lance franklin not ben franklin

  5. NO WAY!!!

    They can't swap Thomas for Judd. Thomas is my hero. I'm a Collingwood supporter (obviously) and I think Judd is a fantastic player though I don't really want him. Collingwood have a great side going at the moment, our young players are playing amazingly, and if we keep them all, in a few years they're all going to be complete superstars.

    I don't think Dale Thomas would want to move from Collingwood, I think he loves it there. Though he did support Geelong as a kid, so that might be somewhere he may want to go. Though Thomas wont be moving for a few years yet as he has already signed a two year contract.

  6. Lets just see what happens to Judd and his injuries.

    It is unfair to suggest Judd is worth two other players.  If that were the case, I would love to see whichever club gets him to play with one less player on field.

  7. he is a druggie like the rest of the mob

  8. No way.  There are about three young players I can think of that I wouldn't swap for Judd and they are Selwood, Thomas and Franklin.  

    Judd still has an injury cloud hanging over him.  Sometimes you find champions who put in so much in their early years that they can't keep going.  I have this feeling about Judd.  

    Dale seems to enjoy his footy with the Pies, and if he doesn't, he can come and join us at the Cats any day!  He and Selwood in the same team ... whoa there's a thought!

  9. I would not trade Franklin if I was Hawthorn but yes I would gladly trade Thomas for Judd. Not sure how old Judd is but he seems to have a lot of years left in his career. Anyway surely W.C have no trading rights because Judd is a free agent now. Doesn't that mean that the team just has to fork out the money for him without giving up anyone else?

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