
Another late night poem...would you like to comment?

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by Jonni F.

Margarita! Margarita!

Shake! Shake! Shake!

If you don't use good tequila,

Oh, how your head will ache!

Margarita! Margarita!

Dash of salt and lime.

When you add that good tequila,

The taste is so sublime!

Margarita! Margarita!

With agave from above.

Margarita! Margarita!

Indeed, it's you I love.




  1. lol I like it!  

  2. Ah, dem were da days.

    I can longer partake in the consuming of said alcoholic beverage. It is much fun that I can't seem to ever remember.

    Like your Panama poem: I like your choice of topic and the attitude it displays.

  3. Margarita!  Margarita!

    She's too sweet for me

    I can drink the straight tequila

    ..but I'd rather OP rum...

    think its past my bedtime..

  4. My pal from Mezcal !!!! Drink up.

  5. The Cuervo folks ought to love this one!  Funny write, with punctuation and capitals, too!

  6. Jonni! You have written a real poem!

    It is funny, it wastes no words, it makes the reader think about it afterward and want to respond.

    I am in awe of how poeple who love the word learn so swifly how to create poetry. This is a fine accomplishment.

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