My daughter is 10 yrs old. She can be a sweet kid. She is becoming so overbearing. She tries to bully my 2 yr old son. She stomps through the house. She pretends to fall and knock things over and then starts screaming and crying when I or my husband is doing something. She starts crying and throwing fits if we ask her to clean her room or help around the house. She kept throwing fits at a birthday party a couple of weeks ago because her team wasn't winning at volleyball. Then she sat at the bottom of the slide so the little kids couldn't play. I felt like I spent the whole day yelling at her. It has gotten to the point that I try to stay away from her. She is lazy and demanding. Also, she is as big as me, so she doesn't take me seriously. If her dad disciplines her, she throws fits and treats the 2 yr old bad. She is so jealous of him. Does anyone have any advice? Also, I give them the same attention and the same rules and chores. I treat them equally.