
Another opinion please?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, i asked earlier about if i can go on a very faint line as a positive, and i was very impressed with the answers i received. This is my question now. I just started my Chantix to stop smoking the day before i got the faint line. . .should i keep taking it because i do not think i can quit without it. . .




  1. are you prego?

    my test came out the same way and im 34 weeks pregnant! lol

    any medication that is not given or approved by your OB is a NO-NO!

    dont take them!!! GOOD LUCK

  2. I think its best to get off it until you talk to your doctor because it could harm the baby and this stage of your pregnancy is vital for brain development and such. There are a lot of lines you can call that will give you information or ask a pharmacist or phone your local labour and delivery and then should be able to tell you plus give you the name of a doctor who can help you through your pregnancy and delivery. Try rinsing your mouth with CINNAMON mouthwash whenever you have a craving and drink grapefruit juice as well as chew gum and keep your hands super busy with things like sunflower seeds. Good luck with quitting smoking and happy baby!

  3. Talk to your doctor about this, or ask a pharmacist  

  4. Few pharmaceuticals actually get tested on pregnant women (because it’s a huge ethical issue), and with something so new, it’s unlikely there’s any research on the effects on a developing child. Call your doctor.

    If it were me, I’d stop taking it. Any time you feel like smoking remember that little one inside you. That would be all the motivation I need.  

  5. When I first took my test (at 4 weeks) up until I was 6 weeks (didn't know that I was preg. yet) It was VERY VERY faint. You could barely even see it in the sun. I am now 12 weeks with a healthy, growing baby.

    Any positive is still a positive, no matter how light it is.

    I would suggest a digital if you would just like to see the definite positive.

    It's so faint right now because you're HCG levels are still really low (:

    As for the Chantix, I wouldn't stop it until I went to the Dr. first and they said to stop it, or unless it says not to use if pregnant...

    Hoped this helped!  

  6. oh i think that you should stop the Chantix i know you think you need it but knowing you have a baby coming should be all the help you need i promise it wont be that bad i know people who have smoked weed who stop just for the baby you can do it

  7. First and foremost, since you are pregnant you need a doctor for prenatal care.  This doctor or your local pharmacist can tell you specifically about Chantix.  If they tell you that you must get off of Chantix there may be other things which they do recommend instead while you are pregnant.  Kudos for quitting smoking and don't give up on that. Good luck!

  8. you can go to the free clinic to make sure your pregnant, but until then, keep taking the chantix

  9. well even if you are not pregnant you should stop smoking for your own health sake.

  10. Chantix is pretty potent, the only thing that works when you are pregnant is bupropran (wellbutrin) that is safe for pregnancy but it also depends on your body, it is something to talk to your doc about.

  11. Chantix & Pregnancy

    Though the effects of Chantix have not been proved, it is not advised for the prescription to be used in pregnant women as there are indications that Chantix can be excreted in the mother’s milk and can lead to adverse side effects on the fetus.  

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    The use of this oral prescription is known to have resulted in reduced weight in the fetal, there was a decreased ratio in terms of fertility and the bone mass of the fetus was much less with the use.

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