
Another pet store down! Anyone have stories?

by Guest10746  |  earlier

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I just heard WONDERFUL news. A pet store in a mall near me shut down because they were buying their dogs from puppy mills and selling customers sick dogs. I went in there a few times, complained, and reported them. I spread the word to people I knew not to go in there because they would only be supporting the puppy mill. Finally, a few days ago, the doors shut, for good. This is just one store down, but it is because of people like us that it got shut down. So keep spreading the word on something you think is right like I did, and eventually they are going to listen!!

So anyone have any stories like this? Have you heard of any puppy mills getting shut down? Lets hear them!

(I hope this brought a smile to your face like it did to mine)




  1. I don't have any stories, but I wanted to say that's awesome!!  It might just be one store, for now, but that's a huge step for animal rights!

  2. I haven't personally managed to do anything, but I'm working on it!

    But two years ago I was talking with a kid who competes in surfing, and he told me how one time a pet store sponsored him. He thought it was really cool that he had a dog on his suit, lol. But then he told me the store had shut down and he thought it was awful since all the puppies had to be put to sleep. I told him about puppy mills then. When you think about it though, I still pity those poor puppies.  

  3. We had one in our mall too.

    People around here (ohio)got it shut down.

    then another took its place then it got shut down.

    now yet another is in there im not sure if they have stricter guide lines but im sure it will only be a matter of time before its shut down

  4. Same thing happened to me.There was a pet store that sold sick dogs from puppy mills,myself and some friends complained and the next week it was a computer store.


    They were selling sick dirty dogs for 700 dollars and did not give them food or shots.

  5. I got one that is the opposite.

    My local humane society drove out a puppy mill by giving their cats and puppies to local pet store to sell. I think this is also an effective way of helping the community to be able to trust a pet store.

    Yes i agree that pet stores who choice to buy from puppy mills or don't do any research about their providers shoudl not own a business.. But some people need pet stores to get certain for example someone who owns a reptile and needs crickets..not many humane society's or breeders have crickets for sale. Also not many areas have reptile specific shops, so they rely on pet stores.  

    I think we need to not only drive out puppy mills themselves but help educate pet stores about other ways to get their animals in a more humane way.

    To me its all about education, helping find a better solution for everyone and ensuring animals are not being abused and killed.  

    Add; I wasn't try to say anything bad about what you were saying..and i agreed that some pet store owners should not be owning a pet store...and I do think its great that a place such as this has been shutdown. i just wanted to put out there that not all pet stores do this, since lately I have read alot of people saying do not go to pet stores. I think if you have a pet store you go to, ask them where they get their animals from, find out more about this place. Find out if they really know whats going on.  

    Some truly think they are getting from great breeders but are getting from a breeder who gets from a puppy mill...informing these owners about what is going on could help change where they get their animals from and that could help shut down some puppy mill's as well. Like i said i think education is just as important.

  6. I wish the pet store near me would get shut down.  They but puppies from BYB'ers and sell unhealthy animals.  I went in to buy my kids pet mice and was told they were unavailable for a week until they got in the mite meds to treat the mice.  We have come out of the same store with flea bites.  needless to say we no longer go in there, and although I have voiced my concern( to the local Humane Society and the store owner) they are still in business.  

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