
Another picture, help me update my style...?

by  |  earlier

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give me some pictures or ideas on what to do to improve my appearance, Im really unhappy with the way I look. Thanks.




  1. You look fine, wear whatever you like, don't listen to people criticizing you.

  2. I would make a more cheerful appearance. You look fine, but add some bright colors or somthing.

  3. You look great just the way you are.  You have an aura of sophistication and if those are your children, A) congratulations, they are really cute, and B), d**n, I would have never guessed you had kids by your looks alone.

    Congratulations on a job well done.

    Have fun

  4. your way pretty already-

    maybe a lighter brown or blonde hair-

    other than that- i think your great already. :O)

    were those your kids?

  5. It's not that you can't wear bright colors it's that you have to wear them properly. Like try and only wear one bright at a time. Like for example you can wear Red lip gloss and go with lighter eye shadow. Or you can play up your eyes with

    a nice plum purple eye shadow and go with a lighter pink lip  gloss. I think you are a pretty girl and wearing that much make up is not going to enhance you natural features so please don't wear to much make up. I hope this helps, good luck with the new look!

  6. i think you look amazing but if you wore brighter colors maybe dye yer hair lighter and wear a lighter lipgloss you would look a lil better

    i say a lil because you already look great

  7. Gosh I really thought someone not so great looking was going to pop up. Your actually really pretty. Insecurity kills me to, but I wouldnt chaneg anything on the way I looked if I were you. Gosh when I am your age I wanna look just like you. Soo darn pretty.

  8. Lighten your hair to give you a lighter look? I think you look too dark.

  9. u look fine.

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