
Another pregnancy question lol.?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I was wondering if you ladies can give me an opinion on this. Me and my husband were TTC #3 and then we decided to wait till january. Well anyways last month me and my husband had s*x sometimes we used condoms and sometimes we used the pull out method. Lately I have been feeling sick, dizzy, and I get cramps in my calves. Also today I started getting cramps like period cramps kinda lol. I recently had my IUD taken out and my last period was Aug 8th so if my periods go back to normal then I should have my next period on the 5th. I'm not having symptoms of my period coming other than cramps but usually my b***s hurt and I crave sweet things like chocolate. Do you think I may be pregnant? I'm going to take a test on the 5th but I was just wondering if anyone had an opinion on this.Oh and I have a sinus infection and am taking antibiotics for it. Could the medicines be making me sick? Thanks!




  1. The antibiotics could make you feel sick and dizzy...not sure about the cramps in your calves.  There's definitely a chance you could be pregnant your first month off an IUD.  Good luck!!!

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