
Another problem with my son...?

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Hey me again.

I was wondering, what should I do about my 12-year old son looking at anime p**n (hentai)? I think he is too young for it..

Any ideas..




  1. Stop him from 'hentaiing' by having a strict order and list all the bad things about 'hentaiing'.

  2. Boys usually start becoming curious around age 10 sometimes even younger.  You don't want to push him away and make him feel like he is being abnormal for the p**n.  At 12 years old he is hitting that more serious age of curiosity and it is normal for him to want to see that stuff.  I am sure before long you will find playboys and such in his room as well.  I have brothers and nephews and was dating at 15 and I can tell you I knew all of them had some kind of p**n.  My friends brother would take the Fredrick's of Hollywood magazines that came to the house and that would be his p**n for a long time.  The more you embarrass him about it the less likely he is to come to you if he is thinking about having s*x.  It is time for the s*x talk to make sure he understands that there are consequences and let him know he can talk to you about these things.

  3. Boys that age are going to be curious about there bodies, and will most likely start to explore it.  I think you need to talk to your son, the feelings he is having are completely natural, but at that age a kid has no idea what is or isn't healthy for his body or mind.  You have to be the parent.  There has to be rules!!  And they have to be enforced.  Talk talk talk... it is so much better for him to learn about his body from you then to explore it on his own and wind up with consequences he wasn't ready for.

  4. I have a son the same age and I would not allow him to look at any p**n.  I don't know what this hentai is, how graphic is it?  A little kissing maybe ok but no s*x.  I don't think it is appropriate for that age.  I would put an end to it if I were you.  How is he getting it in the first place?  You should monitor what he is watching.  I can't think of any of my son's friends who's parents would allow this.

  5. that's way too young, why does he have acess to p**n online anyways, you should be careful and limit his time on the computer

  6. If you want your son to get out of it, all you have to do is get into it yourself.  Try watching a bit of it with him and pretend and make him think you're really into it.  He'll be grossed out by this and you'll never have to worry about your son watching p**n for quite a while at least.

  7. Guys at that age are quite curious. they start young now

  8. Install a programme to block all things that you dont want him to access. Net nanny is one of them but there are  many out there. Some Internet providers offer free protection.

  9. Uh, your the your job! p**n is p**n, whether it's animated or not. Get rid of it and have more control of your son.

    Geez, these are the guys my poor daughter is going to have to choose from, sad.

  10. He's twelve right? You are the parent take control and protect him till he is old enough to handle things.

  11. We are all gone through that.Thats part of growing up.Curiosity.We learn from them too.

  12. i think you need to have a serious talk with him about s*x and his body try to pick his brain a little and find out what he's curious about so you can solve it for him instead of some p**n teaching him

  13. I read "Lady Chatterley's Lover" at the age of 11. I was lent the book by an Aunt!

    My curiosity about s*x started at about the age of 8!............ but I'm no different from my peers of that age! I remember we were all fascinated by the mating of the farm animals!.......... and, consequently "la difference"...........

    Surely you'd be better off talking in an adult manner to your son, rather than us!

  14. he probably is just curious and just wants to have a look most boys do it dont worry to much just tell him you dont want him to but dont make a big deal out of it

  15. Well assuming he's looking at the hentai on a computer then you should not allow him to have a computer in his bedroom.

    All computers should be in a shared place, like the lounge or maybe in an office/study room, anywhere but his personal space. Maybe even reserve space in your home to create an office study area for his and everyone's use. That's what I would have done. No matter what security you put on your computer, they can find a way around it, and there are a lot of things on the internet I wouldn't want any kid to see, hentai could be the least of your problems. Although, it's up to you to find that fine balance between yourself and your kids and to educate them as you see fit.

    Although now you've got to think up a good enough excuse to avoid any problems with your son when you remove the computer from his bedroom. Personally, you should just truthfully tell him what your concerns are and why you are moving the computer,  after all you are the parent.

  16. you can install NetDog p**n Filter : on the computer, netdog blocks all p**n quitely in the background when your son's on the computer.

  17. Okay so your 12 year old is looking at anime p**n. Who cares. He's probably just curios what I would be watching for is real p**n.

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