
Another question about my hcg levels?

by  |  earlier

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i had my first ultrasound on wednesday. my doctor could not find the fetal pole just the gestational sac(placenta) and the yolk. he said based on the measurements of the sac, i was about 6 or 7 weeks along but felt that our numbers could be off and that i might not be as far along as i thought. so he had me get blood drawn that day and wanted me to get my blood drawn 48 hours later (today). he wanted to see my hcg levels double in those 48 hours. and i also have another ultrasound scheduled this coming thursday. my hcg levels on wednesday were 20,232. my levels today were 23,324. my levels didnt even come close to doubling. is this a blighted ovum? has anyone experienced this before? i'm so worried i'm making myself sick and i can't stop crying. i work at the hospital where i looked up the results myself (i know its not legal but i had to) so i didn't talk to my doctor. i probably won't talk to him until thursday. but i'm scared.




  1. When I had to have my HCG levels tested, my midwife said that as long as they are increasing it is a good sign.

    Of course every one is different.

    And of course now you know why you shouldn't be checking out the results on your own with out your medical professional you are scared & going crazy with worry. Please try to relax & hope for the best.

    If you really can't wait until thursday I think it is OK to call & ask if the tests are back yet. When you get the answer you should be the one to ask how they feel about the results & if another test is needed.

    Good luck! I am praying for you...

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