
Another question about the male anatomy?

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When does girth growth stop for adults I am 6.5 long and only 4.6 inches girth and it really upsets me im considering surgery will it increase with age or will jelqing work, surgery, experience with this would help




  1. girth can continue as long as one does some techniques to increase it.

    Jelqing works more on length.  To increase girth, purchase a vacuum pump cylinder at this size say 2 inches and within 6 months to a year decrease the circumfence by purchasing one with a smaller size.

  2. Mine stopped at 19.  Mine is 4.8" long with a 5" girth.

  3. how old are you?  it's impossible to guess how big you could be, but surgery isn't a viable option, it doesnt make you bigger, it just makes your soft p***s hang lower.

    you may grow more, you might thicken up a bit.  Keep in mind the average p***s size is 5.3 inches long, so you are longer than average already.

    I was 6x5 a year and a half ago, when i turned 22, and my p***s grew a lot along with my height, and i think i'm still growing.  so anything can happen.

  4. late teens early twenties. your girth is only slightly below average so it isn't really anything to get worried about

  5. What kind of surgery did you have in mind?  Get real, fella.  It's not the size of the wand, but the skill of the magician, that gets the rabbit into the hat.

  6. You have more than enough to please a girl, trust me on that one. It seams all guys are hung up on there size. It is all in the geans. A female v****a is only about 3 inches deep anyway and yo plenty for that, yea many girls will go on about how big here is or not but doyo9u want to tie a 2x4 on your *** and fall in? she is concerned about how tight she is also they worry about their b***s to big not big enough or their hips. Get a grip  live with what you have and enjoy life.

  7. It will grow until you are about 20 years of age!

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