
Another questions by me!lol!More reef tank questions!?

by Guest34503  |  earlier

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ok, what are some low light corals and other interesting invertebreas?

Would this tank and light be able to sustaine some along with 1 or 2little fish-

Its the 12 gallon, NOT delux one.




  1. those nano tanks can support alot of corals, but u cant rush into it even more so if you have never owned saltwater before.

    work with the basic fish only with live rock at first. allow the tank to mature for at least 8 months before you get corals. you wil need to do alot of research about corals. what they eat, where they can go in an aquarium. how aggressive are they, how fast do they do, what supplements do they require.

    So there is alot that you will need to do. follow my links for general saltwater help which will lead you to reef keeping.

    BUT to answer ur question at hand, nano tanks i believe this one has two 50/50 bulbs as oppose to the oceanic biocube (IMO is better, i own two of them) which has a 10K and blue actinic lighting stripe, um you would be able to house very basic corals such as yellow and star polyps,(very easy and fast growers) various mushrooms, kenya tree. toodstool mushroom, xenia etc...

    i would stay away from harder corals like LPS which can be raised in a nano tank(my personal favorite) but they are more aggressive and need to be placed in special locations.

    For inverts, all reef tanks need hermit crabs, snails etc... In my oceanic biocube 29 i have a sand shifting starfish, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, nassasius snails, turbo snails, red/blue/green leg hermit crabs.

    Your going to want to stick on the lower side for a smaller nano. Try 3-4 hermit crabs, and 1 snail, 2-3 nassasius snails. and a peppermint shrimp.

    Note that inverts need a higher salinity level. 1.022-1.024 is best for inverts.

    depends on what you want fish wise. yes the tank is fine for a clownfish and a neon goby. But not much else.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. This is a vid of my oceanic biocube 29 gallon.

    it is overstocked, but u can get a general idea of how nanos can work.

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