
Another restrainig order question?

by Guest56883  |  earlier

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if my cousin didn't return the the serve papers can he still appear in court the papers said its a hearing does it matter if he didn't return the the serve papers




  1. It may matter.  What is written on those papers?  What is he required to do?

    And, the biggest question of all, why is he asking his cousin rather than an attorney?

  2. If they attempted to serve your cousin papers to appear in court and he didn't get them or just ignored them, they can get him for attempt of court.. say like if your up for jury duty and had been selected to go, and you don't and they don't cancel it the sherriff can put a bench warrent for your arrest for failure to appear.. that happened once to my mom.. best of luck

  3. If you serve someone with papers for a court hearing or other court proceedings, you must return the service papers to the court as proof of notification to the other party.  If there is no proof of service, there is no case.  This is an important procedural step in Court. You may need to consult with an attorney to sort it out.

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