
Another satellite radio question.?

by  |  earlier

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I have another satellite radio question. If you are mainly purchasing a unit for the sports channels - which is best? Sirius or XM. Also - what does the impending merger mean for a subscription to one or the other? Will you get ALL of the channels - or will you have to change companies and therefore radios? As you can tell, I am pretty clueless as to how satellite radio works. I would appreciate help from those of you who have experience with both companies.




  1. Unfortunately sirrus and xm cover different sports ... I know we get MLB on xm I think NFL is on sirrus and I forgot where nascar is but you get the idea.  Hopefully the merger will come about and be easy as in not needing new radios.

  2. As others have posted, it depends on the sport that you are interested in.. the merger is currently being challenged by the government (in reguards in it being a monolpoly [or something along those lines]) but what I can tell, from what I've seen myself, for music - Sirius is the best, for talk, Sirius is great, as for sports, I wouldn't know, I never listened to either radio's sports.. good luck!

  3. I purchased the Sirius because they have Jimmy Buffett's channel Radio Margaritaville.

    Not sure what the merger will bring, if it actually occurs.

    For sports, it depends on which sports you are interested in. With Sirius, you get ESPN radio.

  4. We answer similar questions quite often and the best advice I can give you (maybe spoils the surprise - but it's important) is to make the decision with the recipient. Then he can decide which is best for him over the next few months.

    The decision should be made as if the merger is NOT going to go through - just in case. Go to the web sites of both services, football is almost over, BBall, Hockey etc. will go for a while and Baseball will be starting - so look at the offerings on the sites and make your initial choice from there. Each covers different sports at different levels and leagues.

    But  the merger should be complete soon - if it's going to happen. This means your lucky friend will have his choice of programs from both services at varying rate structures. There'll be lots of "menu" items to choose from starting at $7/mo for your favorite 50 from each service.

    By making the decision together, you'll also ensure you get the best receiver for your needs at the right price  - and spend some quality time at Best Buy or Circuit City (or eBay or the services themselves... right from the sites).

    Good luck and Happy Holidays!

    -a guy name duh

  5. both services offer different sports, Sirius offers NFL games while XM offers baseball. as far as your other questions we will have to wait for the merger to see how it all shakes out

  6. Sirius has NFL , NCAA football and basketball , NASCAR , NHL

    Every NFL team can be heard on sirius Say the cargers were playing the bills you could listen to the chargers radio commentators or go over to a different channel and listen to the bills.

    They also have in car for nascar so you can listen too different drivers talk

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