
Another serious question for everyone here....?

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Do you think that there can be such a thing as a submissive major-feminist?

(major meaning a woman between appreciating equal rights and wanting more rights than men)




  1. key word here is submissive. and your term is(major meaning a woman between appreciating equal rights and wanting more rights than men)

    Ummm try looking into a dictionary.

  2. I think the two terms are at contradiction with each other.  One other point I'd like to make is that people mistakenly think that if a woman is submissive to her husband, then she's not "equal" to him.  That's just not true.  Both are equally worthy human beings, both are looked at equally the same in God's eyes.  One is not better nor lower than the other.  It's a matter of structure within the marriage, that's all.  If a woman truly loves her husband and gives herself to him, he will always listen to her, take her feelings seriously, and put her needs above his own.

  3. possibly.

    Many high powered people (men and women) tend to live a submissive lifestyle in the personal time.  Supposedly it is a way for them to totally remove themselves from the stress that comes with having to be in control all of the time.

  4. I get what you are saying and yes there are....

    example....women that are in a relationshiop with a man who treats them like a slave and does whatever they want and then the women turn around and tell their daughters not to let their a man tell them what to do, make sure they have lots of money to support them, and if the daughter makes money to keep it to herself. Also get rid of or cheat on a man if they act like a wuss.

    I've seen this happen!!

    Or a wife that has the title but does everything for herself.

  5. It would depend on exactly how she was submissive. If it was sexually, then that would be OK — I think everyone's bedroom self is different than their public self. If she believed that she should cater to her man's every whim and let him make all the decisions, then it would likely be incompatible with feminism.

  6. That sir is an Oxymoron. Ya. its pretty self-contradictory

  7. ERRR

  8. This sound like a contradiction of logic.  If you are in favor of EQUAL rights then you don't truly want more rights than men.

  9. The greater majority of people are submissive to someone in one way or another.

    i find it amusing that people will claim that they won't be submissive and that they are independent only to go into their job and toe the line.

    Rio, look at what you just said, you are presuming to dictate to others when and how it is acceptable to be submissive.

  10. Yes of course they can. Trust me I know.

  11. It sounds like a contradiction. It's an oxymoron by the very definition of feminism.

  12. I think the authenticity of her claim to submissiveness or feminism would have to be called into question.  And I would also suggest that her 'submissiveness', in this case, would be used as a manipulation to acquire the rights she wants/demands.

  13. Not genuinely submissive, maybe role playing ?

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