
Another tattoo question help?

by  |  earlier

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so ive finally come up with a tattoo i want (i think ^.^) im gonna get the playboy bunny below my hip like below the underwear line you know what im talking about? like the V before the real thing

uh yep so whatcha think?




  1. no, thats so tacky and trashy!!! don't do it!!! get something original, so many people have that!!! It's a logo created by corporate america!!!!!!!!

    well by that picture I would assume you are a stripper-so therefor everyone will see it! And that's not the point to it being trashy and tacky-regardless of who sees it its still trashy and tacky...give it time and you will come up with something good and original, that suites you well without being cliche and cheesey...

  2. I think it would be cute. Hugh Hefner's girlfriend, Holly, has a pink playboy bunny tattooed on her lower back and its really cute.

  3. if it's something you really truly want and have put a lot of thought into, i say go for it. Reguardless of the fact that yes, it is a very popular tattoo, if it means something to YOU then do it. But if your wanting to go with something more personal to  you i'd suggest thinkin on it a little more and look around a bit. The area is a cute (although i must warn you, those tattoo's are popularly known as the "Money Shot" tattoos due to reasons i'm sure your imagination can conjure up). so i would say think on it for another week or so, see how you feel then, if you still dig the idea, go for it. Also if you wanna know for sure if you like it, i say get a fake tattoo and put it there and see how you feel about it after you have had something there for a few days. :) good luck!

  4. That is cute, I have one on my left hip, its pink and so worth it, I love it even more everytime i see it!

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