
Another thought provoking spiritual question ?

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Why do people think silly fraudulent poems will make forcing their beliefs on everyone right in public schools ?




  1. It's not really "People" in general but instead "christens." Those people are very close minded. They think that they can say a student is pissed about not being able to pray in a public school and can't say "under god" in the Pledge of Allegiance. As a matter of fact that part is optional to say in school now, and that wasn't added til after our forefather's were dead. I believe they wanted separation of church and state. If one is that hard up go to a private school and pray to your hearts content.

  2. It's yet another example of the disingenuous "Christian persecution" that some believers harp on about.

    I find it hard to believe they find it so easy to confuse being prevented from engaging in theocracy with being persecuted...

  3. noob

    (I meant the link, duh)

  4. A perfect example of the propaganda Christians use.  And they turned it into a meme too.


  5. everyone teaches what they believe, some people get paid to do it

  6. While I agree that religion should not be forced upon anyone, I also believe in individual rights. The problem is that many of the religious think that we must all believe as they do, and many of them have no idea of what their religion is or it's total makeup. All they know is what their preacher or priest tells them and maybe a few verses that they memorized when they were ten years old.

    I reject Christianity, because it teaches absolutism. I do believe that certain part of their Bible have some good points, but, others do not make sense.

    I feel that if the Christians or other religious people want to have their private little get togethers they should have that right but only as long as they do not try to push it down another's throat.

    Also the Constitution guarantees the right to free speech and press. Let them write their little poems. Are they hurting anyone with them?

  7. What can I say, people dig rhymes.

  8. Didn't the question seem a bit conceited?As it was the farthest thing from thought provoking I've read in a while...

  9. Cause they's dumb.

  10. While some may feel that this is just a simple question, I feel that it is in fact a little more!

    Considering this thing is now all over the web, I get the Feeling that it is nothing more than, Right Wing Christian Propaganda, which is using Cute Factor to sneak it's message across!

    (I think this is the Potter Family 360 page)

    Even You Tube!!! has a video pushing it!

    And on and on.

    Seems like there a bit of a campaign going on here!

    Cfiziksh [Athiest of Them All] hit the nail on the head by saying that it has been turned into a Meme, (the Viral form) the effects of which may well turn out very unpleasant if if is caught!

  11. Seriously. Though that is the first time I've seen someone basically saying "Convert! I have a poem!" instead of "Convert! I have a book!"

  12. IQ

  13. And since it's a mass-forwarded email from the internet (and it gets credited to different people each time), then it MUST be true!  Just like that email where Bill Gates will give you $200 for forwarding it.

    You CAN still pray in a public school.  You just can't do it in such a way that it 1) includes people who don't wish to be included (no class-lead prayers), or 2) seriously interrupts school work (you can't stand up in the middle of an algebra exam and recite a Hail Mary).

    What part of this don't they get?  How many times do you have to spell this out to these zealots?  Geesh.

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