
Another weird story anyone explain this

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shortly after my grandfather died, i was going to sleep. it was about 3:00 in the morning at the foot of my bed there was a man standing there staring at me in full army gear, he just stared, he didnt look evil or anything. could this have been m,y grandfather also , a few weeks latter my father showed me a photograph, it was identical to the man i had seen .




  1. I can think of 5 possible explainations off the top of my head, though I personally do not believe in them all, I guess anything is really possible.  Only you will know if one feels right to you for your situation.

    1. You saw the photograph (or one very much like it) at some point in your life, maybe flipping though albums or looking around the home of a family member, and dreamt about it because your GF just passed.  Sometimes when you wake directly from REM sleep, your brain runs the dream together with what you see immediately when you wake up.

    2. You heard stories about your GF in the military and dreamt it.  Because you know what he looks like, and you know what the uniform looks like, your mind merged the images in your dream.  When you saw the picture, it was similar, but not identical.  Our brains tend to focus on that which confirms what we want to see and ignore what we don't.  Because of that, you interpreted the similar to be identical.

    3. Your GF is watching over you (in which case you will likely see him again) or stopped by to say goodbye (in which case he energy has dissipated or moved on, depending on what you believe).  Especially if your GF took great pride in the military or was active in something like the VFW where his life still revolved in some way around his service, he may appear this way after death because this is how he most remembers himself.  

    4. You experienced a sort of deja vu.  You saw the image from the photograph before you actually saw it.  That is why it appeared like a life size picture and he did not move or try to speak, just stood in a pose, eyes staring forward.

    5. Another family member was looking at the photograph while you slept.  Some believe that families or people that are close to one another can sense how the other is feeling, or even see what another is looking at, especially during times of crisis and heightened emotion and/or from a trance/dream state.

  2. I think your grandfather is checking up on you.  

  3. it was probably him,u should get a physic investigator just too make sure there will be no harm because he could have unlocked a portal from the other side,my grand father died so i went to stay with my grandma and i was there alone because she went shopping and i heard someone walking around upstairs with a walker  

  4. Maybe your grandfather came to visit you.  He was looking like a young man in a uniform so that when your Dad showed you the photo, you would have no doubts that it was him.

  5. Yes sure I can explain it, you were having a dream and there were similarities in the appearance in the person that you dreamed of and the photo that you were showed.

    But I suppose you were hoping everyone would say that you were having a special magical moment ....

  6. it was probably the man in the picture standing to keep watch over you.

  7. u were dreaming

  8. that was me, sorry i woke you.

  9. I beleive you. About a week after a very good friend of mine died I felt a tap on my shoulder as I was doing the dishes and as soon as I turned around his picture fell off of the shelf in the next room. No one was in there and it was pushed pretty far back so my toddler couldnt reach it.  

  10.   If you saw a man, whom you had never seen before ,and later identified him from a photo, the most likely and reasonable answer was that it was him. Even if it was a dream , you received info that was not available at the time to the normal senses, it was him. It wasn't evil  because evil spirits are a lot more rare than Hollywood and religion would lead you to believe. If your grandfather wasn't evil in life, he wouldn't be now.

  11. It's very common for people to get "signs" from loved ones who've passed away.  And lots of people do actually see the loved ones also.  Nobody can say for sure if it was him, or if you were in some sort of dream state, but, contrary to what some think, 3:00am is what's called a "dead time" in which spirits are active, not at midnight. It very well could have been your grandfather trying to let you know that he's still with you, in spirit.  And don't listen to the jerks here who'll say you're crazy or other stupid junk, nobody can say that spirits don't exist.  You know what you saw, that's what matters.   :)

  12. You have to be a grandparent to know the special connection between grandparents and grandchildren. It's something you can't believe unless it has happened to you...just like ghosts/spirits. I can't explain either...but they're both real. If you weren't around him much in life...he probably just wanted to say "Hi" to you. I think that's what most spirits are doing...just saying "Hi"...but we take it as "BOO!". (I wonder if ANY ghosts/spirits have ever said "BOO!" lol)

  13. Sounds like you did see a ghost.

  14. Very cool... usually it means you are going through something traumatic or stressful and you need to feel his presence.  If you have children or dogs look to see if they are seeing anything.  It happens to many of us usually around 3 am because that is when there is most activity.  Don't let people tell you it doesn't happen because it does.

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