
Another year of crappy lovelife???? Pluto conjunct venus? Please explain?

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Hello friends! So I just wondered upon some long term transits on Apparently my Pluto is in conjunction of Venus from Feb 2008, till December 2009. Coincidentally my love life has ended beginning of February and has been none existent since then. I'm 23 and last time I was single I was 16 so I still have a very difficult time being alone. I feel very crappy and have no desire what so ever to date, but I'm also very unhappy alone.

Anyone can tell me a little more about this transit and how to deal with it? Am I going to be a sad lady all the way till the end of next year? lol

Thanks, I appreciate any input




  1. Think positively. Sometimes it's a matter of working against it. Remember we have free will and we live our life how we chose to. These transits affect us but in reality, it is up to us to work around it. It's not always negative.

    Your relationships in general will become more intense, but especially those involving love and s*x. You will experience emotional extremes and, if a relationship is in a rut, you are likely to decide to break it off. "All or nothing" may become your motto, and the "all" includes a depth and intensity of emotional response. You want to feel your love to the very core of your being, and you want to play an important part in someone else's life. Obviously, any relationship which only stirs lukewarm responses won't be able to stand up under the demands that you make of it now. Keep your eyes open; someone you meet now may teach you some important lessons about love. You may have a love relationship with this person, or he/she could be someone who plays the role of teacher or guru. Your s*x drive is strong and may find an outlet in either a new or existing relationship or through a creative medium such as writing or painting.

    *Romance and sexuality are the key issues now. Your sexual drive is particularly strong now, and you are driven by a strong need to achieve a deeper level of fulfillment in your love relationships. At times during this time period you are not able to constrain your compulsive feelings, and you are prone to dispense with reason, logic, rational judgment, ethics, and taboos.

    +Stand by to cut loose a lot of dead wood, in particular as regards what you appreciate and value -- your value system. This could be a permanent change that leaves you appreciating only the essential and lasting things.

  2. Hi Devochka

    Lovelyname Miss. This conjunction is likely to have a great effect on your relationship and your s*x life as well. If you plan a relationship under this transit, you will beentirely involved or not at all. That is pluto's trait. What brings two people together is more compulsive and not very rational. If you are not careful, you may fall for someone who is very dificult to get along with. This is a tall order to fill but, you may well succeed.

    From another angle, a decent relationship is possible. The problem is that you are looking for an intense experience not necessarily a good one. If it happens to be good,, it will also be intense, so this transit can signify a very important relationship in your life. If you are in an existing relationship, it will intensify because your nees are heightened and if it does not satisfy your need, this relationship may not survive.

    If there is no sexual relationship in your life now and this transit does not bring one, this can be a very frustrating time indeed. Your s*x drive is high and needs an outlet.  And if you have no outlet, you should examine yourself and your entire position on love relationships. You may discover some very severe probles in this area which you must work on and now is the right time to do it under such a transit.

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