
Answer FROM ITALY. what you think of italy and italian?

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Hi, i write from Rome. What you think in USA of Italy and Italian?





    and i think italians do worry a little to much about what other countrys think of them tho haha

    but yes i reallyy LOVE italians..the culture the people everythingg haha

  2. I'm italian :) but i live in america :)

  3. well i think you live in a wonderful ,warm and inviting, historical place , and one day I will be blessed to have said I visited the home of my ancestors , may God Bless us all...

  4. Te Amo <3

  5. I'm brazilian living in the USA. Italian, the language is fascinating as well as Italy. Gorgeous, full of history.

  6. I'm so sure that American readers will think that we are a nation lacking self confidence; since we can't resist asking this kind of questions here on yahoo!answers.....

    Maybe it's time to give up....!

  7. Viva Italia

  8. Italians are always looking to gorge themselves with revelry good food and fun, and when caught doing something immoral they either excuse themselves or always pass it off as 'another lapse'.

  9. I love Italy and I love Italians! I lived in Italy for 3 years while my husband was stationed in the Military there, and it was the most amazing place I had ever been! I've been back in the States for a year now and I miss Italy so much.

    The Italian people were so kind and welcoming to my family. We moved off base and rented a house just so we could be around the Italian culture even more. It's was amazing! All of my children can now speak both English and Italian:)

    I can't wait to again!

  10. I love italy and italians.  I miss the country very much.  I have been there many times and it gets harder to leave every time i am there.  I know Rome very well, it is my favorite city, well tied for first place with luzern, Switzerland.  If I could, i would move there for good, who knows, maybe someday.

  11. Ciao, I love italians (sono napolitano-americano)!  You guys know how to live and have fun and enjoy eachother!  The italian language is a very pretty and at times very convincing haha. One of the cons about italy though is that sometimes your service, like police and banks and etc don't give a great service.  I was coming out of the subway in rome and was asked for my ticket from the police.  I had it and had just bought it and he told me that it wasn't correct and i had to pay like 60 euro fine to him or else he would take me to the police station, so yeah , he can't do that and was trying to scam me.  only thing i don't like about italy is that people try to scam you especially in Napoli hahah

    As far as banks and similar businesses like banks, sometimes they won't make an effort to really help you and tell you to go to a certain place and then you goto that certain place and they tell you to go to another place then after about 5 certain places you end back up at the first place you started at hahaha BUT  there's more pros then cons about italians and their history..... you guys rock!  Greetings from NYC.

  12. I love Italian people(especially the women ;-) ), and Italian food! In fact, Italy is one of my top places to visit in the very near future!!! My biggest problem with the Italians however, is your mega obsession with fashion and name brand clothing i.e. D&G, Armani, Versace, etc. Even though everybody on the planet likes to look, dress and feel their best, you Italians(especially the Milanese from my observation) are so fixated with name brands...moreso than the French, Brits, h**l even us Americans(again, from observation). I don't like the fact that y'all look down on people just because they don't sport the latest fashion trends and "currently hot at the moment" labels. In fact, it absolutely disgusts me b/c that's the mindset that High Schoolers possess! Another issue I have is y'all's Xenophobic attitude when it comes to immigrants and foreigners. Other than that, I love your culture, food, and care free/laid back approach to life. If we can only adpot the minset of 'La Dolce Vita', I'm sure our collective stress level would be 1/2 of what is now.

    This American loves Italian women! ;-)

  13. I like italy a lot i've spent a lot of time there and I think its a great country(though I dislike naples). I' m a greek american and it was great to experience a culture so similar to mine. I think italians are great people everywhere I went I met nice people.

    Una Fazza Una Razza.

  14. Italy  is  one of the best  place in the world .Every places you visited  is detailed with something  that you can't forget. We start with Venice , the canal  and gondolas. The famous Carnival and Masquerade in Venice plus the regatta.the Piazza San Marco. Naples  where  the Pizza was born. The one and only island of Capri.Neapolitan cuisine  is great. The famous Vesuvius mountains and volcano. The winery . The beautiful  beaches  in Sardegna ,in Portofino in Genova. The leaning tower of Pisa.The beautiful Sicily. Milan the land of fashion.The strata  Napoleon The original Tinseltown. The wines ,cheeses  and the food  is  superb.

    Italians  are  wonderful people , good friends  and they have  a  very good  tradition  of  family values and  close  family ties.

  15. I spent two weeks in Rome and did not want to leave.  There was so much to see and do, the people were wonderful, and the food was to die for.  I'm definitely going back soon.

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