
Answer Quickly.Competition in 2 hrs!?

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I ice skate 5 times a week and lately I have been doing spins and jumps but when I spin I put my blade on my other skate.The black plastic that holds the skate to the boot is scuffing up my skates and It is making my skates have black and ?yellow? on them! how do I help clean them? HELP!




  1. Start with a damp cloth and try to get as much of the "scuffs" off as you can. Then, get white shoe polish! This really works. It makes you skates nice and white and shiny! Rub a little bit all over the skates. This should take care of all your issues, but if you still just can't get the "scuffs" off you may have to purchase over the boot tights. If you have a competition in 2 hours you may have to either buy the over the boot tights at the skating shop at the rink that your competition is at. They will most likely have them and if you cant do this for whatever reason dont worry so much. Focus on your program and stay calm and dont worry about marks on your skates. Ive competed with lots of scuffs on my skates and have not been marked down for it, but i do agree it looks better without them. In worst case scenario, dont worry. Just SKATE your heart out!

    I wish you LOTS AND LOTS OF LUCK!

  2. Shoe polish. It works like a charm! And you would never notice that it was ever there.!

  3. shoe polish, wet cloth, or just wear over-the-boot tights=D

  4. Use skate tape.

    It's sold at most skate shops.

    Just ask them if they have it.

    I suggest you get higher level boots later.. [The kind with the wooden heel, instead of the plastic]

    Ask your coach about it.

  5. How do you 'help' clean them? Who are you helping?

    If you need to clean the scuffs off, try a soft cloth with hot, soapy water. Even better, don't clean them at all, and instead polish them with shoe polish that matches the original color.

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