
Answer a, b or c only; How old is multiculturalism

by Guest32888  |  earlier

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a) As old as trade and capitalism.

b) It's an American idea invented after the n***s helped them get to the moon.

c) a, b or c only.




  1. Actually, it's none of them.  Multiculturalism is at least 2,000 years old.

    We have had new cultures come to these shores and bring their values and traditions repeatedly.  Without the Norman French we would have a vastly different English language, a very different constitution and political philosophy, and - no roast beef dinners.

    East Anglia was riddled with Hanseatic League tradesmen in the Middle Ages, asylum seekers have been coming here for hundreds of years thanks to the religious wars which began brewing in the 16th Century onward - the French Hugeunots laid the foundation for Britains 'workshop of the world' reputation, and the Jews (readmitted by Cromwell) laid the foundations of our banking system.

    The Monarchy changed from Anglo-Saxon, to French, then Spanish, Dutch, German.  Irish people have been coming here for centuries, prompting an enormous degree of racial hostility and bigotry on a par with people's attitudes to immigrants now.  Pubs would have signs up saying 'no dogs or Irish'.  Without the Italians in Liverpool and Islington, we'd have no ice cream vans.

    150,000 Poles were absorbed into the country after WW2 with a number of emigre Poles refusing to return to a communist home.  They were on the whole accepted without a mutter, as it was dealt with rather efficiently.

    There have been graves of black people found in the UK as old as Roman times, but the first modern influx came with the Empire Windrush, with 500 people from Jamaica, and before they had even *arrived* people were getting worked up about an apparent invasion of foreigners.

    So I go for d.

  2. Well over 4000 years.

  3. C none of the above.

  4. A

  5. d) I just answer you questions for the points.


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