
Answer asap?

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my friend left her 7 yr old son with me overnight when she went out with her husband. she told me that sometimes he is bad and i can dicipline him however i want to. he has been here for 2 hours and has been a nightmare. he is taking and breaking things, cussing, and being horrible. i am going to spank him. where do i start and what do i do..please help soon.




  1. he just wants some attention try talking to him or taking him outside to play. ... tell him that if he doesn't listen that he is going to bed let your foot down show him whose boss don't be scared  . . .

  2. if you have their permission to do whatever kind of discipline that you need to i quess it would be ok to spank him but maybe he is just looking for a little attention and if you could find something for him to do that he likes would help. maybe somekind of tv show that he likes or some kind of snack. but i would really save the spanking for the parents. i wouldn't feel comfortable doing it and then when they got back they could get upset even though they did give you permission. maybe you should call them and see if their is another relative that can come and get him. or maybe they should. as a parent i would be really embarresed if my child acted like that with someone else.

  3. Don't spank him!

    no mother should ever give another person permission to hit there child.

    Start out with time-outs and then gradually move along the line of punishments

    take privilages away

    (tv phone games magazines)

    or tell him you are going to call his parents and tell them how he is acting

    remeber all children act like what they see

    so maybe it's not his fault

  4. funny that you have these same "how to spank" questions about your own (alleged) 6-year-old.  and, for that matter, that in another question you say you wish your parents would spank you for your bad grades.  seek help.

  5. He isn't your kid so don't spank him. Send him to bed immediately.

  6. Dont spank him he isnt your kid! call his parents and tell them to come and get their kid.

  7. raise your voice and make him know that you are in charge. try and have an air of authority before you decide to spank. tell him you will give him a lolly if he behaves according to your standards.

  8. use a wooden spoon and spank him on his butt and make him pick up the things he is breaking. give him three swats

  9. say, "If you don't calm down I'll hit you with a spoon!" if he still runs around, take out the spoon and say ," I've got it! So you better clam down so I dont have to ruin this good spoon on your butt!" if he runs around, grab his wrists and take him into a corner and wack him on the butt (hard!) and make sure to tell him that his mother will know how bad he is.

  10. The parents probably didn't mean to imply that it is okay to spank their child. Try time out or distracting him with something fun. If he doesn't get better call his parents. DON'T spank someone else's child!

  11. If she is your friend, she will come and get him!! I would not spank him, that might strain your friendship. Maybe you could duct tape him to a chair until his mom gets there?? (just kidding)

  12. This kid is screaming for attention and will get it anyway he can, even if it negative. Don't threaten something you aren't willing to follow through with but realize that spanks are for the most dreadful things like hurting others or running out in front of cars.

    Think of something that you two can do that redirects him just like a toddler. When they touch something they can't have you have something they can have to distract them. It is hard work.

    Talk to this boy and ask him what his problem is and listen to his answer. He may not understand his problem himself so be prepared for, "I don't know." Don't lie and say," I really like you" and stuff that sounds fake. Do say, "I want to like you but you are making it difficult."  Tell him your plan for entertainment but add the warning that every time he is naughty he loses out on part of it. Go slow and make sure you are honest.

    Sorry it is so difficult!

  13. Don't hit him. Destract him with whatever keeps him happy and out of mischief. Computer even - it he likes it.

    Never agree to have him overnight again.

    Sounds like your friend has got herself a sucker!

  14. I think you should first call your friend and tell her that he is doing these things and ask her what she wants you to do. Because even though she said you can do anything she might feel differently if you actually do do something.

  15. this kid is ccrraavviinngg attention!
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