
Answer both parts (a) and (b)?

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(a) Compare the endings of 'Education for Leisure' by Carol Ann Duffy and ' The Laboratory' by Robert Browning


(b) Compare the ending of 'kid' by simon armitage and 'On My First Sonne' by Ben Jonson.

In both parts (a) and (b), remember to compare:

How the endings fit in with the rest of the poem

How the language reveals the idea's of the speakers

What you think are the poets' reasons for ending the poems in these ways.




  1. ending of education for leisure, he has seemed to have killed something, and the blood has poured onto the pavement.  at the end of the labatory she hasn't killed anyone yet, but she ends up at the king's court ready to.

    this one the poet's reasons for ending the poems this way is that you do not know whether they have suceeded in the task in which they were planning in the poem.  The labatory brewing the poison for the other woman.  Education for leisure, killing because he is bored and finds that nothing else is fun for him.

    Hope that helps.  but can't remember kid (other than batman and robin and batman looking down on robin not letting him takin credit and telling him what to do) and I do not remember my last sonne sorry.

  2. (a)  Leisure is something you do to entertain yourself in your spare time but laboratory is where you disect rats.

    (b)  Kid is a small child but Sonne is a made up word.

  3. I believe this category is here to help people explain things to you when you've tried to understand a concept but can't get your head round it, NOT to write your essays for you while you sit on your nintendo wii.  

  4. Unfortunately I don't know any of those poems, so I suggest you read them yourself and work it out.

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