
Answer for my son.. what came first, the chicken or the egg??

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Answer for my son.. what came first, the chicken or the egg??




  1. Hi there.

    The egg - it was laid by a bird that wasn't a chicken, evolution in action!

    Cheers, Steve.

    PS unless you are a creationist, in which case it was the chicken.

  2. Which did he order first at the restaurant?

  3. Chicken as it evolved from another bird or could be the egg...laid from that evolved chicken tingy....






  4. My little girl wrestled with this when she was four years old.

    She went around and around and then when I asked her ... so where did the egg come from...  she answered.....

    "It must have been from a hen"  

  5. the egg

  6. they arrived simultaneously thus enabling chicken omelettes to be made

  7. A chicken and an egg are lying in bed.

    The chicken is smoking a cigarette with a satisfied smile on its face.

    The egg is frowning and looking a bit pissed off.

    The egg mutters to no one in particular . . .

    "Well, I guess we answered THAT question !!! "

  8. Surely the chicken came first!

    If we are to believe the story of Creation in Genesis, then God jsut created animals and man in their grown form.

    Adam and Eve didn't start off a embryos, they started as adults.

  9. since the egg is the most important and the chicken is merely

    a vehicle for the egg to make another egg, the egg came first.

  10. the chicken

    read the book of Genises  

  11. The egg. It is never specified that the egg must be a chicken egg, and dinosaur eggs were around before chickens.

  12. The egg; chickens evolved from dinosaurs (all birds did) and dinos had eggs  ^_^

  13. hey, the egg :)

  14. well surely dinosaurs laid eggs before chickens and the egg is also not specified to be a chicken egg it could be any type

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