
Answer me now??? URGENT?

by  |  earlier

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my friend told me that he is AUTISTIC... were he is not! IT bugged me now because i dont find him as one... help!! why he is like that???? i'm concern because we are friends!




  1. I think it unlikely you will find an expert on these matters in the language section. I suggest you repost your question in a more appropriate category.

  2. Wait? are you saying he is autistic or he is saying he is? If he says he is and he's not then you just need to talk to him and see whats going on. Maybe he is striving for attention and he really needs a friend.

    If he really is autistic there is nothing to be ashamed of. Just talk to him. Again he will really need a friend.

    My advise is to just be there for him no matter what and he will repay you in the long run. Good luck!

  3. Um...Autism is a disorder. It mostly impacts a person's ability to learn and comprehend certain things. There is nothing to be concerned about. If he really has Autism, he's likely had it since he was born. His parents have probably ensured that certain steps were taken to help him in school. There is no need to 'find him as one'. Autistic people are able to interact with normal people, but may be slightly socially impaired. Your regarding him as one borders on prejudice. He is still your friend, is he not? He is still a person you know and love, yes? A mental handicap is no basis for an all-over social evaluation of the person, so calm your troubled soul and look the disorder up in Wikipedia.

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