
Answer me! [teenage pregnancy?

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tell me what r your thoughts? i really dont think its ritem i think its discusting and i feel sad for the babies i mean what is with these girls? havent they ever heard of birth controll? this makes me verry angry, my 2nd cousin is 17 and preggo, her bf is a 1st yr apprentice and she does abit of child care but cant work couse shes in hospital with morning sickness! the poor babies. tell me what u think




  1. I think it is really stupid to get pregnant in your teens. I guess it's okay to have s*x, just as long as you use protection. The reason so many girls get pregnant is because they just don't use condoms or birth control.

    They should think of the child. The chick's mom will probably end up taking care of it. It must be so hard to have a child.

  2. get an abortion.

  3. While I do not think it is best for the child or the mother, I think it can work out of a lot of work is done.  But you should really focus on your education, especially grammar, before judging others.

    EDIT- Wow! You are extremely immature and hateful.  Just FYI, not all are on government aid, though most are.  There are also many other women, and men on government aid...not just teen mothers.  I seriously doubt you pay any sort of tax other than sales tax at the local mall anyway.

  4. I do not think we have a place to judge anyone so I can not answers your question sorry

  5. it depends who the teenager is.. some choose to grow up and get over themselves so the child has a chance at life, and some are too selfish and the child suffers.

    to be perfectly honest, i dont see why it really matters to everyone not involved. shes already pregnant, why is it really anybody elses concern? the world doenst approve of it, but if you look, there are a h**l of a lot of horrible parents out there that are "old enough" to be parents and not looked at like bad people. just because a girl gets pregnant when she is a teenager doesnt mean that shes a bad person or that her child is going to have a bad life, i had a baby when i was 17 and she is more loved and spoiled than i ever could have imagined. im not saying that all of the teens that get pregnant take perfect care of their kids, but neither do all older people.

    i just think its a horrible generalization to make.

    even if her mother were to help her take care of it, thats still a lot better option than an abortion.. her mom helping her wont kill anybody, at least the kid still has a chance at life

  6. im i have a 7 month old daughter and i am 16, i take very good care of my child even better than older adults that plan to have a kid. i hate judgemental people like you. you will make a terrible mother

  7. uhmm you're a bit judgmental and  ignorant yourself.

    we're all just people here, and i think that there can be terrible mothers at age 30 and some of the best are probably as young as 16.

    im not encouraging teenage pregnancies, but getting pregnant at a young age doesn't define a  person. hard-headed and ignorant rants like this one do.

  8. Yes, teen pregnancy is sad, but it is also not your place to judge.  

    Things happen, and being family you should try to be there for her and not be obnoxious about it.

    On an unrelated note, go back to school. You need to learn how to spell and your grammar is horrifying.

  9. ok, dear, you have no place to judge.  






    All misspelled.  Some teens may be uneducated about birth comtrol, but YOU are uneducated as well.

    You don't even sound like you're old enough to pay taxes.

  10. Many people make mistakes, just because your gonna be a younger mother doesn't mean you'll be a bad one. I'm 19, married and expecting a son in 2[ish] months. And i got pregnant ON b/c AND with condoms. So you shouldn't judge. You don't know everyones situation. Or how well they will do.

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