
Answer me this. You might just learn something about yourself !

by Guest63175  |  earlier

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If I said - kiss my butt…. You can never accomplish your dream - because your short…. No because your tall… No because your black…. NO because your from India…. No because you just can’t….. I don’t see it in you…. You can’t do it…. Just like a fact.

What would your replay be:




  1. I can do everything you can, but I CAN do it better.  

  2.'re a freaking nut case.

  3. I'd say something along the lines of "You're opinion doesn't matter. This is up to me, and you can't put me down." Depending on my mood, really. If you catch me in a bad mood, I'd probably say something out of pure anger, haha.

  4. stay off the crack,weed........meth

  5. I would tell you to blow off I can do whatever I feel like doing. I am white but if I were any other race i would stand tall and say I can do it.  

  6. Go F*** yourself

  7. r u out of ur brains............ ahhhh

  8. Next time, break the prozac in half.

  9. s***w your self would be my answer.

  10. I would say that all this doubt of unacomplishing your dreams is caused by other people putting thoughts which you believe to be facts in your head. In other words people often never accomplish their dreams because of some false pretenses which they use as an excuse to keep them from getting there. Many people use their race or religion or height or s*x as an excuse to why they never got where they wanted to be. You can't be afraid to look like a fool when trying to reach for the stars (your goals or dream)...if you put all excuses aside and all the things people have said about how you can't do it ...then what are you left with...JUST YOUR DREAM!!!

    So yes i will kiss your butt lol!!!

  11. I don't get it

  12. I'd say.. whatever fool get out of my face!

  13. I would ignore you because chances are I'm much smarter than you and I'm not insecure enough to be a moron...

  14. I think my reply would be... F*** you... Then I would say you couldn't because your small, No, because your big... No because you are ugly, No because you are disgusting.. No because you don't have skills, I can't even find it... You can't do it. You suck. Haha. I'm just joking though. I'm not that mean :P

  15. Whatever.

    That's my reply.

  16. wat do u actually mean.......if something abt determination...then i can just tell u can do if desire strongly

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