
Answer my Poll questions?

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1. Does Cindy McCain sometimes look like she's caught in a polygamist situation?

2. Why dont Atheists complain about "In GOD We Trust" being on money?

3. Wasnt John McCain DROPPING BOMBS on the villages, homes, and schools when he was shot down in war?

4. Arent you proud that Sarah Palin's kids are carrying on the great traditions started by the BUSH TWINS?

5. If Sarah Palin was on JERRY SPRINGER with her Daughter's baby daddy, would it affect your vote?

6. Do you think John McCain will get an endorsement from DEPENDS ADULT DIAPERS?(or will he wear the astronaut govt. issued ones?)

7. Do you think d**k Cheney's daughter has been googling Sarah Palin's beauty pageant pics online?




  1. 1. No

    2. They do, you should research this.

    3. No, I don't believe so. Check

    4. Don't know what traditions you speak of, the Bush twins were drunks. Apparently the Palin kids are...well..loose.

    5. lol, probably not.

    6. Government issued

    7. I wouldn't doubt it

  2. Sorry, your poll questions are not worthy of answers.

  3. Isn't it too early in the morning for stupidity?

  4. In response to your poll stupid question don't deserve answers they

    just show the ignorance of the one asking the questions. Maybe

    you should ask if stupid people ask stupid questions in your poll.

  5. Wow... somebody took a Stupid Pill this morning.

  6. dude could you hate john mccain and palin anymore or are you just trying to be funny

    oh and for the record why is everyone blaming palin for doing nothing to stop her daughter from getting pregnant do you expect her to go up on stage with her daughter and beat her publically?

  7. i notice that when libs. are not smart enough to understand the issues, they attack the the candidates personally.. thanks for proving my point...

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