
Answer my question on training?

by  |  earlier

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is 2days of BJJ, 4 days of boxing, and 1 day of weights and cardio and resistant training(as well as cardio in the BJJ and Boxing), is this a good amount for MMA, as i want to be a Pro MMA fighter, im 16 now, around 5"9 - 5"10, about 152 pounds, i train roughly around 1.5 - 2hrs a days




  1. Sounds good if you take all of it seriously, just make sure you you take some days to rest, because your muscles and your body need to recover. When you work out, your muscles undergo micr-tears, and on your day off, they reapir themselves, and when they repair, they make themselves stronger, thus making yourself stronger, and puting on more muscle. Just remember not to puch yourself too hard, and take at least two days in the week to rest.

  2. I think the quality of your training is far more important that the quantity.   If you are serious about being a pro fighter, then you need to find a good MMA gym.  One with proven instructors and they will help get you in the right direction.  Even the best fighters still have coaches.

  3. Provided you don't feel great pains it is good

    It is not the more training that takes to be a professional  remember this, so far as you ve made ur mind up to be a professional do what it takes, don't over do

    Train to an extent that you are a bit exausted for a week, notify the time you spent training , take the majority time spent and use that as the number of hours you should train

    The number of hours you train might increase as you grow

  4. where is the question ?

  5. For a good idea if you are doing ok go to youtube see what the top fighters are doing.Check out the trainers.There are plenty.

  6. no you have to train constantly for 8 hours a day 5 days week at least if you want to be any good.  and thats if youve got natural talent too.

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